The painting is just beautiful. You must be so thrilled with it. do you have something in mind for it or will it just be for a while until an idea surfaces?
Happy New Year - sounds like you are off to a flying start creatively.
Jackie the cloth is fabulous and the colors are gorgeous. The food looks great and it all looks like so much fun. Aren't Friends the best? Thanks for sharing.
So amazing! You girls really know how to have fun! Look at the size of that cloth! And the colors! I love the serving plate filled with green, and green utensils and little bit of red... so artistic. Loved seeing Dot's smily face too! Celebration for the eyes!xo
Hi Jacqui - you've been luch in my thoughts. Hope you and all your family are escaping the worst of the wet in Victoria. Look forward to hearing that you are all ok. Take care. Philippa
I am married and have two wonderful sons. I live on a property in West Gippsland, a beautiful part of the world. I love painting, mixed media and textiles and dabble in all of these.
What Do You Wish For?
*Today's walk was short and kind of cold (48°), for here. But, we beat the
rain and got a lovely walk in. After grocery shopping we came out to wet
New Couronne Sticks in stock
We have new Couronne (Hedebo) Sticks back in stock. These are hand turned
from sustainable timber. These Tasmanian Blackwood Couronne Sticks make
lovely ...
Spring Sale!
Ciao dear readers..
I am having a spring Sale!!
I have three pieces from my
Naturalists' Notebook
for sale..
All are $98
Butterfly Mandala
Mixed M...
March begins her march
Turns out the electric blanket washes up nicely. Thank goodness, because it
had started to stink. Who me? asks Finn. I’m tacking down the sides while
The new Stitch Club workshop by Vinny Stapleyis with tulle, lace and photo
transfers on organdie.I only have cotton organdie in a very dark purple
Dear blog friends,
I went to Paris last week.
The weather was really quite mild for middle of February. I love the
avenues of bare winter trees in ...
AI 동영상 모델 소라 출시와 반응 분석
오픈AI, 영상 생성 AI ‘소라’ 정식 출시… 뜨거운 반응으로 트래픽 마비까지 최근 AI 기술이 빠르게 발전함에 따라 사람들의 일상
속에서 인공지능이 차지하는 비중은 날로 커지고 있습니다. 이러한 흐름 속에서 또 ...
자세히 보기
Sound Tracks
I always have an association with the first time I go wander around a place.
My sound tracks are more like thoughts and stories running through my mind.
Nature Bazaar eco printed products
The organiser and my assistant made me a successful day
It’s a sunny weekend and nice ambience in Kadoorie Farm where the Nature
Bazaar was held wi...
Things come together – sometimes!
There was a very nice turn of events for me in the late summer when this,
above, appeared in The Textile Society‘s September Bulletin. Through the
kind off...
Postal strike
The Postal strike continues. No Christmas cards are going out or coming in
this year.
While I am saving $$, the Post Office is losing $$. Either way, sa...
Re:Play - A Show Opening on October 6th
Is a Connections Fibre Artists group show
Opening on Sunday October 6, 2024, 1-3 pm
At Wellington County Museum, Fergus Ontario
Each of us had...
i woke this morning and again....that sense of Lost, of flat~ness, of not
knowing how i can go. i made the tea, did the Usuals and it clung....the
word was...
Happy Winter Solstice dear friends! I am very happy to share with you two
brandy new workshops that I will be teaching in March and April 2023. First
off -...
come hang out with me…?
Hey there! My friend, Sherri Lynn Wood, is offering a series of workshops
on up-cycling fabrics into quilts in improvisational ways. I’ll be the
guest spea...
Betgaranti Bahis Sitesi
Betgaranti bahis sitesi ile amaç kazanç dengesine ulaşımı destekler, her
zaman güvenilir bir düzen edinme imkanı da bulabilirsiniz. Bu alanda gayet
This feed has moved and will be deleted soon. Please update your
subscription now.
The publisher is using a new address for their RSS feed. Please update your
feed reader to use this new URL:
Art Little colorful stories Workshop
Art Little colorful stories Workshop
Classes begins tonight!
Workshop - $ 40
Please understand that it takes time to create my classes!
apple cores and snowflakes
fluffy snowflakes are blanketing the view from my studio window. bodhi is
dreaming of squirrels and the next door cat, so is unaware of his favorite
Procraftination & Craftermath
" I cursed you as I procraftinated for weeks and then double cursed you in
the craftermath."
The workshop participants are usually on their best behavior t...
Nature has most certainly cast the spell of Winter upon us and there's no
getting around it. Though I may at first resist this slower energy, on a
deeper ...
What Have I Been Up To???
Time seemed to slip away and before you knew it, months slipped by without
me showing up here.
Well - it's a new year now and I will try to do better!...
Shunned Series
In my mind a did a blog post just about a month or so ago... in reality it
was 8 months ago, and here we are with just a few weeks left in 2019. So,
goodness me.
I blinked, and now it is November.
It's been another extraordinary year.
I've had exhibitions in New Orleans, Scotland and England.
Taught in...
Natural Impressions Exhibition Opening
My Natural Impressions Exhibition started on the 7th September 2019 at Toora
Village Studio Gallery in Toora, South Gippsland. The exhibition was
Winds of Change
I started this quilt in October of 2018. I was hoping to gift this to my
daughter Kavita as a Christmas present but as you can tell, it is still
What My Mother Taught Me About Dying
Last year, as spring slid into summer, my mother slowly slid into what
would be the last months of her life. The process started with
disengagement. First...
time and change in balance
i have put my name on a piece of paper~
a purchase agreement
selling my oldfarmhouse
and moving to the place i've been calling home, if all goes to plan.
In 2014 I started this cloth. Almost 4 years later I'm still working on it.
And sometimes I felt overwhelmed by its size. This photo was made 4 years
A New Year...
- we are in March, so this new year is travelling very fast. It
has been a little while and more since I last wrote, but I have been busy.
First day at the SECC, Glasgow
I've had a great first day at the Exhibition Center in Glasgow at The
Creative Craft & Scottish Quilting Show, where I get the chance to
demonstrate, thank...
that’s a wrap...
It took me a year of thinking about it, but I’ve finally decided. It’s time
to wind down this blog. iWonder will come down at the end of January, a few
Link Love: December
So many links. So little time. Once a month I am going to share links to
articles, artists, websites, social media feeds, artwork, events, book...
At last I have an on-line workshop
I was so happy to be invited to teach for 21 Secrets again.
*Paper, Glue, Scissors*
*There are 21 teachers and 21 diff...
[image: Sept 2018 desktop calendar]
Time to change your desktop calendar.
Better late than never!
And it's my birthday tomorrow so I couldn't not post my mo...
Getting my Bearings
The problem with stepping out of blogging for a while is it feels
impossible to catch up. I've been on a whirlwind of travel and art
classes and my thou...
seeing stars
Roots, tendrils, and tangles often appear in my imagery and I render them
literally. In more recent work, I couched bits of cloth and thread in
greenin’ up
It doesn’t take long to remember why it is that I blog along for a bit and
then vanish in space. It takes me way too much time…an inordinate amount
of ti...
Time Flies
Halfway through April already! The days are going by in a blur even if I’m
not getting a lot done. We’ve had exceptionally warm weather for a while
and the...
First pictures of our little barn.. Well a tiny corner of it..
For those that don't know we had a moment of madness last year and made the
decision to ...
portrait play
Several years ago, my son asked if I would make a quilt portrait of his
best friend in the whole world. Her name was Florna and she was the most
Inspire :: Izziyana Suhaimi
When an image evokes an immediate question,
it is doubly powerful when the name of its series evokes yet another.
*The looms in our bones #6*
~ featuring M...
adding sequins to a seam
As you are seeing so much of these pieces for 'London 2018' I figured I
should speak a little about the process without giving too much away.
There's a...
Be filled with Wonder and Peace.....and Cosiness
I hope you're managing to embrace this change of season.
I'm so much better at accepting the end of summer than I used to be. I'm
learning to love Autumn a...
Postcard 'Nature Study'
Dear blogging friends,
Today once more I like to share with you another postcard I just finished.
This time I created a postcard with flowers and of cou...
come on in my kitchen
Make do. Get by. Take what you get, and be still. Words my grandmother
spoke over coffee in her kitchen in Northern Minnesota. Or, other words
my s...
Repairing a moth-eaten Wool Plaid
The work of insects can be discrete and quick. Now I chose matching colors
from my crewel wool to weave small patches over the holes.
Homeschool Chronicles {off to School}
This has been a great year in homeschooling! Though, it feels funny to say
that because this March Aria started public school! Still honestly, both
are t...
Love Stitching Red
I haven't posted here for a while and after a lot of thought I have decided
to take a little break from Love Stitching Red. This, I hope, will be a
Tug at Nature
This year I'm happy to be participating in a collaboration called The
Sustainable Souls Project organized by Tina Walker. Each month
participating artists ...
My New Website
I am thrilled to announce that My New Website is Now Launched!! And I would
really love for you to visit me there...
My i...
*These fragments of a tile were once part of a highly decorated floor at
Chertsey Abbey, Surrey. Pavements of decorated ceramic tiles were a
medieval inn...
Back for an overview....
I haven't posted in so long that I'm hoping I remember how to do this....I
post mostly on Instagram these days and some of you have been following me
Spinning Blooms Mini
[image: Spinning Blooms Mini]
I've just finished putting together some tips and techniques for this FREE
Spinning Blooms Mini Quilt pattern now available o...
trying new tricks
it seems like i've taken a detour. i was a bit tired of portraits. and i
have always loved vessels, and flowers.
i've been having so much fun in the art s...
The Grid Installation begins
At last! I have started!
Yesterday, I took a stack of painted cardboard and started the installation
of The Grid.
There is not much to say about it. As ...
so then 2016
what a relief
to turn the corner into this new year was the biggest line in the sand for
i turned it in fine fashion
yep , a themed party ...
Apron Hems and Ties
We are getting down to the finishing touches with today's post. There will
be one more post showing my finishing touches and I plan to post that
we wish you a merry christmas
a happy solstice a peaceful winter when it arrives snow and evergreens
little snow coated mittens red noses and cheeks layers of handknits the
love of fami...
Hawaii and Journal Pages
Wow. This is my 767th post. I've been blogging since 2006. Admittedly I
dont post as often as I used to but I'm still at it. Kind of amazing when
so man...
New Website
I am still getting occasional comments here, so I wanted to let you all
know that my new website is alive and well over at
Please co...
Last night was the reception for "On the Fringe" - a juried show of works
by Connecticut members of Surface Design Association, at the Bruce S.
Kershner Ga...
*after van gogh ~ watercolors and white gouache in pocket moleskine
the last few months have been a whirlwind... three months have passed
What does a cochineal beetle look like?
Well, this.... but it's only the female that is of use to the natural dyers
of the world (although, I guess, the m...
Gejolak di Nusakambangan
"Semua orang dari Kampung Laut dan Selok Jero yang mengunjungi penjara di
Planning Ahead
You'd be forgiven if you think I may have given up posting.... But life has
a way of grounding me and keeping me ever soooo busy. I've been dabbling in
One From Column A and One From Column B (Part 1)
Just recently I took a gander at my blog posts from 2014 so that I could
bring you up to date on my art adventures. I was aghast to see that after
only o...
been to be
today would have been my mother and father's 68th anniversary...a fitting
way to start the new year wishing them, had it been theirs to be.
And so,
a peek ...
Vladimir Bobri
Today's post showcases works by the painter, illustrator, and poster artist Vladimir
(or Bobri, as he came to be known). Born in a wealthy fa...
on my studio table
[image: Loriann working on her painting in our private workshop in my
studio today. Fun! #art #artist #studio #studiotable #encaustic]
Aside from cleaning ...
felt sculpture
yesterday I worked on sculpture
getting some of my artworks to the finishing stage for my next exhibition
the natural vegetation dye and the natural bl...
Resist Feltmaking for Beginners
There are still a few places left for next Saturday's (21st June) workshop
in Thriplow, South Cambs - if you want to join us to learn how to felt
around a ...
Beady Bliss: The Soup is Cooked
So sorry that this post is late- have to cite computer and user error!!
This is my second Bead Soup Blog Hop Reveal with Lori Anderson. B...
The Art of Aging…
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes
on.” ― Robert Frost Every year this lady sinks deeper into the soil loosing
Spring is here!
Spring has sprung! Which means that here at stealing Crow Farm we are
gearing up for our spring show schedule. I have been asked to post the
events that I ...
Another new beginning...
I have started a new blog called art bite, set to launch on April 1,
2014....set your bookmarks and/or follow me at... ...
Painting a nightmare
I woke up in the middle of the night feeling black birds in my hair. The
noise of flapping wings and movement felt so real... I tried to escape the
Dyeing in the Lud Valley with India Flint - Part 2
But wait... there's more... We moved swiftly onto the fabric, stitching all
the pieces we used with our personal marks so we could identify them easily
The Artstronauts Club is finally live!
*My next big project is here!*
It is our goal to have this meeting place that continually has new sources
of inspiration in the form of online worksho...
Kratom Extract
For somebody new to discovering the benefits and selections of kratom, the
buying selections could be virtually overwhelming ... and the details is
What Happened When I Read My Father's Will
Imagine you’re the favourite and only daughter who flies across
two states to visit when the three sons living close by barely bother.
Imagine how tall th...
line work
*Tinted gesso light moss green then painted it onto paper in random wide
brush strokes for a bit of texture...*
*Once dry...started mucking about with cha...
Happy October!
Well I am trying to upload my pic's and it's not working. Maybe it's me,
not a morning person. I'm up in the studio early today to beat the heat
that is on...
until then…
I am here to say goodbye and hello—all in the same breath. This blog is
moving house and I hope you will come along for the ride.
The new blog now resides...
Photos from my exhibition
Hello! I have been quiet here on blogsphere - that's because I have been SO
busy making for my solo exhibition. I am happy it started last Friday at Paper...
Knitting for Gretel
The Hoola household has a new family member, whom is already the proud
wearer of many a Mama knitted sweater.
[image: Photobucket]
This is Gretel, an 8 w...
My first ever quilt
I have finished the quilt, all hand stitched, many hours of work. The quilt
travelled across Australia over Christmas while I visited family in Perth.
I fo...
"Altered Egos" :)
I'm back! And............I'm very excited to present, to you, during this
week, photos of the "Altered Egos" workshop that Kerri...
Art: Jude Rae
I am in awe of the beautiful oil paintings of utalitarian objects by Jude
Rae. The composition of the objects shown in stark simplicity infuse the
objects ...
By Royal Mail
Royal Wedding memento cushion and lavender bag.I received this lovely gift
by Royal Mail yesterday. It is a Royal Wedding memento cushion as well as
the ...
Back, sort of
I'm back in a way..
The tent was pitched, in the middle of a huge "square" in the city of
Kerkyra on the island of corfu
I haven'y had time since Thursday t...
paris: extras, part two…
So what else was I going to tell you about on this last trip? Oh yes, my
experience of making the book for Aunty Joyce. Well, it wasn’t so much a
“book” as...
If I could furnish my house in only BDDW
I would. Not too long ago I was obsessed with a lamp. A lamp I found
online. The most gorgeous lamp I ever saw. My husband couldn't understand
why I felt s...
such lovely, happy colours! How are you? I hope all is well with you and yours x
Oh, Jacky your group's cloth is amazing! Like a new Year's celebration. What fun.
oh what fun that must have been.
Amamzing!Such a vibrant cloth. And look at that food. All so inspired!
Hapy New Year!
So pretty and vibrant! Beautiful!
: )
The painting is just beautiful. You must be so thrilled with it. do you have something in mind for it or will it just be for a while until an idea surfaces?
Happy New Year - sounds like you are off to a flying start creatively.
Jackie the cloth is fabulous and the colors are gorgeous. The food looks great and it all looks like so much fun. Aren't Friends the best? Thanks for sharing.
So amazing! You girls really know how to have fun! Look at the size of that cloth! And the colors! I love the serving plate filled with green, and green utensils and little bit of red... so artistic. Loved seeing Dot's smily face too! Celebration for the eyes!xo
this looks very enjoyable jacky, and the cloth is stunning.
Gorgeous pictures...full of sunshine colours!
I can see all of the elements for a perfect day in those photos!
what a fun day Jacky, the painted cloth is just fantastic....
your mirka post is not showing up?
Hi Jacqui - you've been luch in my thoughts. Hope you and all your family are escaping the worst of the wet in Victoria. Look forward to hearing that you are all ok. Take care. Philippa
Looks like so much fun . . . the food, the cloth, the company.
That looks amazing Jackie, lovely vibrant colours that leap out!
Julia x
As I said to Ro, ages ago it seems, your cloth is so beautiful - who am I to walk round the table with when I paint my exhibition hanging!
Hi Jacky, wondered if you are o.k. I see the floods are in Victoria now??
How gorgeous! Love that cloth and all the patterns and colours - makes me want to break out the paints right now!!
wow, what an exciting day that must have been
What fun that must have been :-) The cloth looks amazing. LOVE the colors and the pattern!
Take care and all the best,
what a beautiful montage of fun, food and friends....
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