Saturday, January 31, 2009

This one is for Sesga...

I have been tagged by the lovely Sesga. The rules being that you have to show the fourth photo from the fourth file on your computer. So..... here it is.
This photograph was taken last year at Sassafras. For about five years now a group of us girls have formed a book club (about 10 of us). We meet once every six weeks for lunch and discussion of our latest book.... actually there's probably more socialising that discussion most times. One person chooses the book and the next lunch destination.
Above are my dear friends (from the left) Lou, Marianne and Jenni.

I now have to tag four people to play along with us. Jo Horswill, Jo Wholohan, Lynne Hoppe and Janette. Please dont feel obigated to play along, this is a bit of fun and nice to see what you have hidden away in your files!


  1. thanks jacky, will go post a photo now :)) xx

  2. Thanks Jacky ,nice pic of you and your friends .I liked this tag thats why I passed it on .
    Love and hugs from sesga xxx

  3. nice photo jacky, looking forward to catching up with my craft girls this week. The summer holidays are just too long....jenxo

  4. That looks like Ripe one of my favourite cafes. Hope you have survived the heat.

  5. well this could be an opening of doors..better go check just what lies in the fourth case...

  6. Jacky, Ro said you were alright and I hope this still holds true. Take care! love Roxanne


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