Monday, January 26, 2009

A foal is born and a "MEME" ...

On the 21st January we had our first little foal for the year (I have three mares in foal). Isnt he gorgeous??? His mum Demi is a first time mother and must say is a wonderful, doting mum. It was a wonderful surprise to see him being born on Wednesday as I was leaving for work...yes, I was late getting to work! There's nothing like a new born. I felt HAPPY all day! On Sunday I met with a group of my art friends for a lunch at Julia's (such a warm and generous hostess). Her home is full of wonderful treasures, not the least her beautiful art. I loved being able to see her work in the much detail and so beautiful.
The afternoon just flew...such chatter and fun. Their is nothing like sharing the day with like minded art friends! I just loved the gorgeous cup and saucer my cup of tea was served in...isnt is divine!
And this beautiful bird below was made for me by my friend Dotee .....gifted to me on the day of our get together. Amazing beading and detail on this beautiful gift, they have to be seen to be believed. I love how Dot "encrusts" her work with beads like no other can! Click on the picture for a closer look.

Below are two journal pages that I "played" with today. I have Patsy to thank for these. I was commenting at our get together how I have trouble with my journalling.... procrastinating because I think I try and plan everything too much. Dear Patsy told me to just let go and go with the flow... so I did.
This page was inspired by a poem I saw on Seth Apters blog.
This next page, very simplistic I know, was just inspired by my life and the things that make me happy. Sunshine, a home, the love of family and friends, trees and the wildlife around us and of course, for me... horses. These simple figures were sort of Leunig inspired.

And now for the 'MEME'. I was visiting Jo Horswills blog and decided to take part. After all I have been blogging for one year now (thank you to Dot for getting me up and running) and I should give something back to all of your wonderful people who drop by and visit my blog.
The first 5 people that respond to this post will get something made by me, it will be my choice, but made especially for you.
However...this offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
-What I create will be just for you.
-I will make no guarantees that you will like it (but I hope you do !)
-You will receive this item before the end of the year (or sooner).
-You will have no idea of what the item is going to be or when you will receive it.
The catch is that you have to repost this "MEME" and put together something to be sent out as 5 surprises of your own.
These could be anything...a piece of art, a photo, a poem or haiku, a quote...whatever you like, let your imagination run wild.
Hope you have fun with this.
Have a wonderful week.
Jacky xox


  1. hi jacky, the foal is just too gorgeous and lucy is in raptures!!! she wants to know what breed it is??? Does he have a name yet?
    I like your simple journal pages too, sort of folksy too.
    Dottees bird is gorgeous too.
    I didnt have to work but the wall needed 4 coats so i am painted out!!
    btw, you better take the next 5 posters. I am feeling somewhat swamped at the moment and it would take all year to get something from me!!!Iam sure whatever you make would be beautiful, its such a great idea, jenxo

  2. Congrats on one year blogging! I always love visiting your site!
    Hope you had a great day with your friends.
    Dots bird is just wonderful and I love your pages, Jacky!
    Have a wonderful art filled week!
    Gaby xo

  3. Hi Jacky, I cannot believe I'm getting something done by you. you are so creative!. I love your journal pages, the delicate coloring and simple composition. You have inspired me to stop procrastinating and go posting in my blog. The foal is really cute, it's always a blessing having baby animals around, so enjoy it

  4. ohhh how gorgeous is this foal, what an amazing thing to be part of!! what is his name???

    i love your journal page, the lady in the background is beautiful, as always xx

  5. Jacky - Demi's foal is gorgeous! And a excellent reason to be late to work. It must be beautiful to see brand new life. Be sure to share photo's of the next arrivals too.

    And we did have a lovely time at Julia's didn't we? What a sweet, generous and loving woman she is.

    I remember you taking a photo of that cup and saucer :)

    So glad you like the bird I made for you (you photographed her beautifully against the velvet).

    And your journal pages are wonderful. I think you express yourself beautifully through journalling and I am glad that Patsy helped you go with the flow (another gorgeous woman).

    Am sure that the 5 lucky bloggers will love owning some of yoru art. You are very generous!

    Hope you are keeping cool in this heat. The kitties say hello.


  6. Hi Jacky....I just missed being one of the 5 - booo!
    Your foal is so beautiful...what a great way to start your day.
    I have a similar bird from Dot - I love mine, too.
    Great journal pages; the poem one is very dreamy....
    Linda x

  7. Hi Jacky
    The foal is soooo cute ,I love them with there legs all gangaly bless!
    I love your journal pages so beautiful especially the house its so (folk) looking .
    Love the bird you received from Dot she does embellish like no other .

    love from sesga xx

  8. Oh To be able to pet that sweet new life. They are glorious when they are so little. Beautiful journal pages. Congrats on your blog anniversary.
    And the meme, I may just do it too!
    What a generous artist you are.

  9. What a lot of wonderful eye candy - not least of all the foal and the Dotee bird (I have two now) and I am always impressed by the variety in your art.

    See you soon.

  10. Oooooo babies...we all love babies and this one is a beauty.Wonderful journalling Jacky (hmmm wish I could bring myself to do some)
    We all love our darling Dots work dont we and all should have a beaded bird.Great post!

  11. Hi Jacky...Glad your part of the MEME.
    The foal is just beautiful...what a vision!
    It's nice to get together with art girls/friends...I did today with my needed!
    Wonderful pages and great advice from Patsy. I am following Lynne Hoppes mantra "Begin Anywhere" at the moment...I think it will be with me for ever! Hope you are coping with this hot weather OK. Jo xx

  12. Gorgeous baby and beautiful art/photos... what more could you want? Look forward to seeing more photos of the baby!


  13. oh my, love the foal, mama again :) and the journal pages speak the language of your soul, very beautiful and playful.

  14. Thankyou to those girls taking part in the MEME. Can you please get back to me with your names and addresses (if I dont already have them).
    Looking forward to sending off something special to you during the year.

  15. I love, love, love the journal pages and how cute is your foal??

  16. Oh what a gorgeous new addition to the family, I hope the weather isn't to much for them both.
    It was great to catch up with you on Sunday Jacky, I look forward to our next get together. Patsy always has wonderful advice and is very generous with her thoughts and time too.

  17. hi jacky, what i mostly want to say is that i love your journal pages so much. everything that you draw feels so authentic and real to me. i don't think i would ever call anything that you draw 'simplistic'... it just has too much energy and life for that...

    and this foal... how blessed you are to be with this beautiful young creature. and how blessed it is to be with you... xxoo

  18. Love the journal pages especially the "Leunig" inspired.
    Thankyou also for being so loyal to my blog.
    Love the bird as well.
    See you soon, I hope

  19. Hi Jacky I have tagged you pop over to my blog if you get time ,thanks from sesga xxx

  20. Hi - its me again! Thanks for the are in the draw.
    Love Linda xxx

  21. how wonderful to have a new born... why does it make me happy all the way over here?

    Lovely blog.


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