Sunday, February 1, 2009

watercolour and more fabric pages....

I have been working in the fabric book for a few weeks now. Below is the back page with the pocket (for our hidden treasures). The theme of this book is Nature.
And below is the front of the page which I have stitched the watercolour of the waterlily I recently painted.
I thought you might like to see a view of the book, side on, showing how chunky these books are becoming! Lots of wonderful fabric art in this book. Off to Dot now for its next page! Next I work in Dots and then our Round Robin is finished. I have really enjoyed seeing everyones art as these books come around for my page to be added.

My dear friend Lynne recently sent me a couple of pieces of wonderful St. Armand watercolour paper... what a treasure it is ( I thank you from the bottom of my heart as I know how precious this is to you). I did this little watercolour after visiting Lynnes blog and seeing all the faces she has painted in her journals. This one I have titled "Seasons"....thank you Lynne for the inspiration and the gorgeous paper.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week and for those of you in Australia that the heat has abated. We were very lucky here today and had a lovely lot of rain this morning.
Jacky xox


  1. oh, yippee!! i get to be the first to comment! i LOVE your painting on the st. armand paper, jacky! i am so happy seeing it!!! and the fabric pages and book -- lordy, lordy, that is just scrumptious! and the waterlily cover... so beautiful...

    thank you for this lovely post tonight -- i am really smiling now. : ) xo

  2. The watercolour is really beautiful.

  3. Really fabulous fabric pages. I love the water lily too.

  4. Hello Jacky
    I love your fabric book and paintings ,I cant wit to start ours .Thease books are real Tresures
    Love from sesga xx

  5. WAIT not wit sorry !!!

  6. Hi, Jacky! I love seeing how thick the book is becoming. Love all the rich textures and fibers, too. And your "Seasons" piece is beautiful! :-)

  7. These fabric books are just so cool.
    Happy for your rain and your nature girl is inspirational for me.

  8. What an amazing fabric book! The water lily looks like it belongs there. The nature girl is beautiful. I'm going to take another look at her. xo

  9. Beautiful work here Jacky!!I have just started a fabric art journal and after seeing yours, I am off to work on it.

  10. oh Jacky your book looks amazing, i love the side shot!!
    hope you get enough rain to put all those fires out, we were supposed to get some but it has blown over again. i am soooo over this heat! jenxo

  11. What a wonderful post Jacky! Your fabric pages for Nat are wonderful - I am sure she will love them. You do such beautiful and detailed work.

    Love the painted lily and the stitched flowers too (LOVE those stitched flowers).

    I know how precious that st. armand paper is to you (and how lovely of lynne to send some to you). Am sure it was beautiful to paint on.

    Your watercolor painting is gorgeous.

    Love visiting here and hearing what you have been up to!

    Dot xx

  12. P.S Love the ' chunky' side shot of Nat's book. This has been a great fabric round robin.

  13. wow, Jacky, this book looks amazing - your needle work is just lovely - I so admire this kind of work

  14. Jacky, these images are just beautiful...firstly your amazing book! wow. I just love it. The image of the many pages with plant foliage peeping out, is wonderful. Your painting is just lovely too, and on paper from Lynne. How special this all is. Enjoy the cool.

  15. Wow! Beautiful Jacky. Looks like a lot of fun. I hope you're having a good week. :)

    Take care,


  16. Hi Jacky,
    The embroidered flowers are exquisite, and your watercolours..the green, tree and theme of growth..really soulful and wonderful to see..
    I have just nominated you for the Marie Antoinette REAL person award...see my blog for details...xxxx

  17. mm... anythign by Lynne is a treaasure, that paper she works on is adorable.

    Your fabric book is looking so TOUCHABLE! and chunky. Love chunky.

  18. Hi Jacky what a wonderful book full of oh so gorgeous texture. Your water colour painting are really pretty and I love the tree coming from the head. Glad you made it through the heat, how great is the rain when it comes. Belinda

  19. Oh my goodness - that fabric book is incredible! I hope you'll show us all of yours when you get it back Jacky.
    Your painting is serene and beautiful. I love yuor work so much.
    Linda x

  20. I have never tried St. Armand WC paper... what a treat... The selvedge edges of your book look irresistible ...

    I love your floral teacup from a couple posts back, it reminds me of having tea when I was a girl at my grandmothers.. lovely!

    glad you got some rain!!

  21. OMG, this fabric book looks amazing! I adore your needle work :-)
    Your watercolor painting is divine.
    I'm always excited by your artwork...such talent!

    Gaby xo

  22. Oh Jacky!
    Sigh...the book is just beautiful. And I love the pocket. I could look at this post forever.

  23. This book is beautiful, is this the one we saw in the flesh? There's so much work goes into your pages. Keep safe.

  24. A fabric sandwich! I love to see art books from the side. Yum! Your waterlily is looking so wonderful. I clicked to enlarge and got lost in the details.

  25. Oh, your fabric journal is so textural, as though I could reach out and hold it... and the water lilly is lovely, with the stitching and beautiful colors. Roxanne

  26. I read about your heat in the paper. I much prefer our snow! I LOVE that face, perfect.

  27. please be safe from the fires... don't take any chances with it.. it is too powerful.. gwen

  28. Jacky Im really worried about you Hope the fire isnt near you I have emailed you.Hope your okay
    Jen(worry wart)

  29. I have never seen anything like the fabulous fabric round robin book! Very exciting! Can't wait to see more of your Kaffe Fasset owls as well...
    xo Camilla

  30. Hi Jacky, I know they're must be loads going on for you right now, just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and heart. What more can I say? xxxx

  31. you are in my thoughts, keep safe x

  32. That top photo fabric work you made is lovely


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