Monday, October 29, 2012

disconnected .....

A little *disconnected* nine patch....some little (previously) discarded pieces of fabric stitched to a base cloth.  Inspired by Jude in our Cloth Diaries ....

 These pieces are only about 1" square,  offcuts from other cloths.  I like how the formation of the little nine patch gives them a life of their own.....
They are stitched onto a beautiful piece of indigo dyed linen and the backing fabric is a lovely soft Japanese cotton from my friend Shirl in W.A.  Just perfect for this simple little cloth I think.

Still on things Japanese.... on Saturday my friend Nat taught me how to bind a journal using coptic stitch.  I really enjoyed the stitching (and got quite confused many a time....thanks Nat for being so patient).  Notice on the spine you can see colourful papers.  These were beautiful handmade Japanese papers that we added to our journals too.  I havent decided what I will use this journal for as yet .....maybe all things indigo????

And great excitement this first indigo seed sprouted ....I am so excited that I may be able to dye with my own homegrown indigo later this year  (I am being very careful to water and cover these little seedlings...give them every chance of surviving, protect them)

This evening we had a beautiful, soft moon (dreadful photo...sorry).  I went out to water my seedlings and it was there, softly hanging in the evening sky.  It was my Mum's birthday today, she would have been 73.  After some really grey, cold, horrible days we had glorious sunshine and then this beautiful fitting!

Jacky xox


  1. Good luck with the home-grown indigo!

  2. oh it's been a long time since I made a book.. you are tempting me. You are growing indigo!! oh wonderful!! I'll be staying tuned.

  3. O, Jacky , I lóve those blue (discarded ????) little scraps that make your ninepatch !
    And that handmade journal !!! You're very lucky to have a friend like Nat live so close by ;-)

  4. Nine patch is my favorite patterns. Love it in blue, of course. Your book is look gorgeous with the handmade cord. I gessoed some of my pages last night ready for my first art journal creation..

  5. Well, I love the idea of a disconnected 9 patch, yours are lovely. Your art book is beautiful & your coptic stitching fabulous - I need to remind myself how to do that!

  6. best of luck with the tiny indigo... and the nine patch is gorgeous..

  7. I am enjoying that nine patch! and the book is lovely... it would be great fun in all probability to record your adventure with indigo - starting with that seedling!!

  8. Hi Jacky

    Just love the book that you have made. So lovely and so clever! And I laughed when I saw your little indigo seedling - tracking down some seeds or plants is on my weekend job list. You are so ahead of me!

  9. Haven't had a chance to catch up on your blog for a while - but enjoyed it today - loved all your pics especially those of you over in London - Olympics wow!
    Britt in West Aus :D

  10. Dear Jacky, your soft moon evening and your indigo seedlings tell a story of hope and new adventures.
    And your blue fabrics and stitched squares. How lovely they are.
    Fantastic new book too.... I admire the stitching!

  11. What beautiful little squares of blue... and the handmade book - gorgeous!!!

  12. Your disconnected nine patch is gorgeous Jacky. As is your journal with coptic stitching is beautiful (lucky me getting to see it in person today).
    Am sure your Indigo plants will thrive under your care - how exciting to grow them.
    Lovely photo of the moon (and very appropriate on your mum's birthday). Dot xxx

  13. Oh Jacky... your stitching is gorgeous... and love love your coptic bound journal... beautiful cover... I really love this book binding method... and that it lies flat... and that moon... magic...

    Jenny ♥

  14. that sea of blue bits is so lovely.

  15. i love the nine patch . i have been working on a nine patch myself .
    i think it is because of jude .
    i miss her .

  16. Hi, Jacky. The nine patch is lovely with the wide indigo background. Your art book project is really interesting too. Looking forward to seeing more!
    best, nadia

  17. Hi Jacky the baby indigo seedlings are coming up here in Sydney too, are you growing Indigofera tinctoria or Polygonum tinctorium the Japanese indigo? love your indigo nine patch and coptic stitch is my favourite binding, love how the book lies so flat ! Have you seen the bookworks of Daniel Essig? he's my hero!

  18. Three is my fav number and a 9-patch is just perfect! Yours will be lovely with your beautiful stitching on it. Love the journal too.
    The indigo plant is so sweet....hope it thrives!
    PS Fancy swapping Spring for Autumn? :-/


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