Friday, October 19, 2012

art book...........

I'm still working away on my 'art book' for my online workshop with Roxanne.  Really enjoying the building up of layers, the search for 'just the right' images and text.  It's very soothing........ My friends Coral and Nat are doing the workshop too.  It's lovely to catch up and show each other our pages and discuss techniques.
My first spread (you saw the beginnings in the post below).  I've done a bit more work to the first page and started on the second part.  My background is ready,  one image at the ready ....hoping to work on finishing these off on Sunday.

This is the second spread. Another background for the page on the left, ready to go.   The page on the right is finished though and ready to be glued down.    I love the Queen Anne's Lace that grows by the roadside this time of year so I picked some whilst out walking and sketched it into my book.

We are making "Little Books" also,  which are part of the bigger book and will be stitched in later.  I will place this with the page above as it continues with the them of the Queen Anne's Lace.  Another little sketch,  pressed snippets of the plant.  The cover for the little book is eco-dyed silk,  dyed with our local gums.
Another glimpse inside the little book and a tag which I will include in the book.  The image on the tag is a little naive style hand carved stamp I made a while back.

 And yet another glimpse.  This little book is only about 2 1/2 inches square.

Did you notice the lovely indigo fabric behind the little book?  Here is a better view.  I bought it at Zigu Zagu last weekend.

Last weekend I went to the opening of an exhibition at Kazari  in Malvern.  The exhition was of art and craft using vintage Japanese fabrics purchased from their shop Zigu Zagu  .....  as you know,  one of my most favourite shops.  Two of my friends,  Dot and Nat were exhibiting their work,  so I popped along to the was an amazing exhibition.  Beautiful cloths, clothing, artwork by 26 artists all set amongst the beautiful  Japanese setting of Kazari.  If you are in Melbourne this weekend,  try and get along to see it.   If you cant get there....visit Nat and Dot's blogs for more photos.
This photo montage was made by Nat of some of the work that was on display.  All photos are clickable for a closer view.  I particularly loved the indigo dress on the bottom right by Lulu Kane.
Enjoy your weekend!
Jacky xox


  1. Hi Jacky. loved seeing the process of your book... and your sweet tiny book.
    gorgeous exhibition... I would have loved to have seen it.. one of my first loves was clothing design. Thank you for sharing. cheers!

  2. Oh Jacky, those journal page are fantastic. I love them all. Please bring it for show and tell. I'm going to Kazari tomorrow for another look - xoxo10

  3. This is so've done an amazing job. So much texture and tangible gorgeousness.

  4. wonderful process and the little book is so atmospheric, cannot wait to see the Big book, and the clothing is amazing... x

  5. your journal pages are just marvelous. and i loved seeing those dresses again from the exhibit at ZZ. have a great weekend.

  6. Your journal project sounds intriguing!

  7. wow jacky, i LOVE your book!! woo!!


  8. Jacky! I was on the phone with Lynne and she said." Did you see what Jacky has done with her book?" and so I just now am taking a look!!! We were gone most of the morning.
    I am so excited to see the beautiful work you have done, and the way it is all coming together. I am so happy you are in my workshop!
    My very favorite page is the second spread, but I love them all. And your fabric and that beautiful stone... and the clothing photo montage of Nats.
    I hope you are having a wonderful day!!
    xox roxanne

  9. Oh Jacky your book looks wonderful. I so wish I could see it in person. Roxanne passed along your blog address so I could see more images. I am so enjoying this project, and love to see how everyone's is turning out. I also enjoyed looking at your other blog posts, and will add it to my blog visiting list!


  10. This is all so lovely....and inspiring. The second spread pages appeal to me especially; I love those delicate colours.

  11. What a beautiful book you are creating! Love all the images of Spring..(it's fall here)..and wish I could visit the show to see Dot and Nat's wonderful fiber art.

  12. Wow Jacky can't wait to see your book in real like, it looks wonderful, your queen Ann's lace is gorgeous. I went to Kazari last week and saw the exhibition, what amazing work by everyone. I couldn't resist going into Ziguzagu and bought some beautiful pieces of silk for our workshop.

  13. I love your book, Jacky! And I love reading that it's soothing for you to look for the right materials -- rather than a stress to find and make and perform. I do wish I could've joined in but have too much going on now -- it would've gone the way of being stressful for me and everyone around me, too. ;) Maybe next time it's offered. I hope you keep showing photos of how it goes -- I'll envision you peacefully channeling your inner beauty which I think is probably what happens when it's enjoyable and relaxed and not forced. I want to be like that, too. xoxo

  14. It is really an awesome blog. I love the way you presented it with us.
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  15. Yes I zoomed in to see the indigo strip in the first image ... lol... but not for long since your art book was of prime interest. Loving the layers and the natural elements!


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