Monday, September 17, 2012

Through the fog ......

I feel like I have been in a bit of a 'fog' since I returned from my trip .... a creative fog that is.  To overcome this,  I did some stitching.  This little patch for a friend got me started ... and once I started ideas began to form for a new cloth I want to make.  I am looking forward to the continuation of the Spirit Cloth Diaries with Jude and to an upcoming workshop with Roxanne of River Garden Studio ... that will get me back into my rhythm again.

I've decided to hand quilt this old quilt that I made for Norma many years ago too.  Sometimes when mulling over ideas for my current project I like to have something I can sit and simply stitch without thinking .... to do some meditative stitching.  I made this little quilt for my MIL a long time ago and was rushing to get it finished to give her for Christmas.  Thus it was only quilted sparingly...just enough to hold it together.  Now it will be quilted within an inch of its life...quiet time to think about Norma and projects I am working on.

Aren't these fabric snippets beautiful!!!  My friend Dot gifted these to me on the weekend when we caught up.  I have something special in mind for them.  Textiles, my favourite gifts!

I recently bought these two pieces of wool flannel in grey and mustard... and these locally made variegated threads (gifts to send to a couple of friends).  Aren't the colours gorgeous?

She keeps him company every day....  Oakey is old and sleeps most of the day, and most of the time you will find Minnie curled up with him.  Sometimes he wakes up and wants to go out for a short time....Minnie leads the way and watches over him while he is outside.  She knows he is blind and she has become his seeing eye cat.  Aren't animals incredible?



Have a wonderful week.
Jacky xox


  1. It's good to have some meditative stitching on hand. It gives other ideas the chance to settle into some sort of form!

  2. More beautiful eye candy for us to drool over when we have our next catch up. Those threads are gorgeous. What a lovely pair Oakey and Minnie make, such great companions.

  3. Yes yes to meditative stitching. At last, I should be able to get back to my stitching which has been on hold for a while. Your Oakey and Minnie story is amazing. Yes incredible.

  4. I hear so many stories about animals helping out where they are needed so I shouldn't be surprised to read about Oakey and Minnie but each story is a heartwarming gift..... and now I'm off to pat my 2 animal angels.

  5. Dear Jacky, I love to see what you are working on, the top photograph is just beautiful, and all your stitching makes my imagination wander and drift as yours does as you sew.
    Welcome home again, and I am so excited about our e-course workshop too!
    Wishing you a beautiful almost spring day...

  6. How lovely that your cat looks out for your little dog. Our cat used to be our son's protector, when he was younger - it's so lovely to see.


  7. I knew someone with 2 siamese cats, one of which was so cross eyed he couldnt get out of the cat flap on his own.
    The female would lead the way and he would tuck his head on her rump and slide thru the flap behind her.
    It was amazing to see her as his guide!
    What a lovely relationship Oakey and Minnie must have!
    Great stitching and doing it Judes way is therapy all the way!

  8. Your stitching is gorgeous Jacky... beautiful colors and texture... love your fabric snippets and threads... and your furry friends are adorable...

    Jenny x

  9. Jacky, I love this post. Maybe that fog was really a time for your creativity to incubate because it's looking like you've already taken off again. Lovely photos of cloth and threads! Nothing like a class (or two) to get the juices flowing, eh? I'm not doing Jude's class this time but am going to take her next one, the what if class. xo

  10. It always take you a little time to get back into stitching after a trip. What I like to do after a trip is to plan the next one straight away. It helps me from getting depress - Hugs Nat

  11. I always find shifting from one process to another a little battle. it is like climbimg very big steps. ,but you know you'll get there if you keep moving forward.

  12. this post is full of many beautiful things...those squares, quilting w/warm thoughts, new textiles-love those blues & greens & your sweet sweet animals.

  13. yes, so many beautiful things, is right.... animals ARE incredible, and so is color, for that matter. Your celebration of both helps me feel a sense of gratitude. My old Corgi is sleeping at my feet, right now as I type!

  14. Hi Jacky. Have tried leaving comments several times on this post without much success. Blogger must be playing up!

    Love, love the little patch - beautiful choice of fabrics and colors. What a lovely idea to hand quilt Norma's quilt. And to think of her as you stitch. The threads and flannel are delicious. And the photo of Minnie and Oakey is heart warming - as is ths story abour their friendship. My heart glowed with warmth when I read of Minnie's kindness.
    Love you.
    Dot xx

  15. P.S So pleased you like the felted wool pieces too - always lovely to drool over :)

  16. I love dog and cat stories. I've got a puppy and a kitten that are growing up together. So funny to see them play. And of course, stitching as meditation. I'm slowly repairing my grandmother's quilts and I think of her every time I pick them up. Your quilt is lovely.
    best, nadia

  17. sometimes fog is just what you need.

  18. love your stitching.

    after two months away i too feel that fog. I think its good to just sit and take some time.


  19. Love the stitching, and the choices :)
    Colette xox

  20. I love stitching, it gives me a sense of relief and lowers down my stress. thanks for sharing this one, nice materials you got there.


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