Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm back .....

I've been back home since the end of August.  My trip seems a distant memory already.  Lots of highs and a few lows,  but such a wonderful experience.  London, Paris, Belgium (Leuven) and Barcelona ... so many pics to load and revisit.

My husband Paul,  sister Lee and myself all made the trip to the UK to watch Matt and Watchi compete at the Games.  We stayed at Greenwich in a little unit,  walking distance to the equestrian venue.  It was great to be so close and to be able to catch up with Matt most days.

As well as taking in the showjumping events,  we had plenty of time to visit a few galleries.  Lee and I made use of the river ferries (clippers),  very easy travel, we were lucky to miss all the crowds.  We visited the Tate Modern (exhibition of Edvard Munch),  Tate Britain,  the V&A (our favourite) and of course a visit to beautiful is that shop? 

 I love the printmakers of the UK and bought many cards and books of their work.  Came home with some treasures from a  Greenwich bric-a-brac shop,  fabrics and way too many goodies.  Some serious stressing when it was time to board the flight home, but got everything back and I am enjoying looking at them all now.

View of the London Bridge with the Olympic Rings taken from the clipper (not a great photo)

Taken on our first day,  catching up with Matt in Greenwich.

Matt and Watchi London 2012 
Unfortunately a disappointing start for the pair of them on the first day of competition,  but I was very proud of how they re-focused and went out the next day and did a super round in the Teams event.  They are both now back in the USA,  competing again (New York this weekend) and doing very well.  Both back in form which is wonderful.

Some cloth awaiting my attention....
And I am back home,  ready to get back into some stitching again with Jude and my fellow clothmates.  Maybe these two pieces I started before I went overseas will make their way into a cloth some time soon?








Have a lovely week and hopefully next week I will have some more stitching to show you and news from my trip.
Lovely to be home again!

Jacky xox



  1. If where you're starting and finishing are suitable, travelling by river in London is altogether better than the underground, especially since most people haven't caught on to it yet!

  2. sounds like a great adventure. so nice that you could be so close to your son when he was competing. glad your back and participating in the diaries.

  3. So glad you had a wonderful time on your trip Jacky. Sad I didn't catch you whilst you were here, especially seeing your photos of London Bridge, I traipse across that bridge so often!

  4. So glad to hear you are safe back home again. Look forward to hearing more about your travels.. So exciting you could be there for Matt :) x

  5. You are definitely a world traveler! I'm sure your eyes and soul are full with beauty! How exciting to have a son in the Olympics! I was bragging to my friends that I know you :-) I was reading the motivating words at the end of your post, expecting to see 'SARK'. What a surprise! I said that? Cool!

  6. Watching sportsmen from South Africa performing at the games (on TV) gave us many proud moments. To be right there, watching your son participating in the Olympics must have been like an out of body experience. My heart races at the thought!!

  7. the clipper is amazing, I love to use it too! So happy you had a good trip.

  8. Welcome home Jacky! What an exciting trip you had, especially going to the Games to see Matt and Watchi! Wow!

  9. I want to welcome you home too! Your experience must have been wonderful, being right there to watch your son in his sport. And the cloth that is awaiting you looks lovely! Happy Saturday!

  10. Well I missed that your son was in the Olympics! I thought you were just going out of general interest--how exciting that must have been! I look forward to seeing how all your world travels show up in your cloths.

  11. Hi Jacky, that must have been a wonderful trip (ha, and you were rather close too, would have loved to arrange something ...)
    Seeing your son perform in such a great event must have been wonderful ánd nerve wracking at the same time !!!
    Now I also see who that little orange-brown horse must be ;-)

    (Furry greetings from brother and sister cat !)

  12. oh i missed it. wasn't able to fly there and watch the olympics. thanks for sharing this one! keep posting please.


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