Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fabric of Friendship.....

Since my last post I have had some beautiful (and some unexpected) fabric gifts come my way.  I love receiving fabrics in the mail!!!!

This beautiful, colourful cloth was made for me by the gorgeous Hoola Tallulah .... this cloth is as bright and effervescent as her blog and her life.  Such a beautiful online friend of quite a few years now.  Love the vivid fabric weaving and all of the hand stitching...such a ray of sunshine in winter in Australia.
 And Tallulah also sent these lovely hand dyed fabrics (sorry the camera has not caught the beautiful, soft, natural colours)  and some gorgeous variegated thread.  I love how she sent the thread on a stick from near her very own twig from the it.  Thank you Tallulah for these lovely gifts and your friendship.

And another unexpected fabric gift...a beautiful, soft, buttery cloth from my friend Dot.  A different colour palette than I use myself,  but ohhh so beautiful.  It is to be a collaborative cloth...she has stitched the cloth a little and I will now add my *touches*.  Lovely soft fabrics (it is so beatiful in your hand) and I loved the stitched creature/bird...very quirky and very Dot!
 And what a treat these beautiful eco-dyed fabrics from another online friend Deanna in the USA.  Deanna has dyed these using tin cans and a variety of leaves on silks...looove these!  They will be put to good use in my Cloth I am working on for Magic Diaries with Jude Hill.
The little pouch is handmade and has some of the lovely bobbin lace that Deanna makes.

So,  as you can see,  I am flush with beautiful fabric gifts from my friends recently .... I feel very lucky.

 He hee .... now here's a pair of fingerless gloves that  I made for my sister Lee this week.  Lee chose the wool (a beautiful Merino, Angora, Silk blend) when we went over to Healesville recently to see the Arichibald Prize Winners. I have added a little boro touch as Lee is really into indigo at the moment and all things boro. 
They are quite utilitarian... and I know Lee will get a lot of use out of them on these chilly winter mornings.







Have a happy week!

Jacky xox


  1. What a lovely post Jacky! (sorry I missedd the post below - I love seeing your stack of journals). Your cloth from Hoola Tallulah is gorgeous - can't wait to see it in real life.
    The threads are beautiful(I received some on on a twig too - so special). So pleased you liked my quirky little cloth I made for you and look forward to seeing you add your own touches to it soon. I will be starting work on the one you made for me this week.

    Lee's mittens look gorgeous (love the Indigo touch). Am sure she will get a lot of wear out of them. And the wool is beautiful.

    Hope you have a fire going tonight. It's a chilly one.
    Have a good week.
    Lots of love
    Dot xx

  2. Ah so pleased you like your wee cloth <3 So many goodies, the little dot cloth is gorgeous, I love her quirky touches too, and the silk from Deanna looks stunning.
    The fingerless gloves are fabulous, loving the boro touch, it really adds interest and looks so tactile. I MUST learn to knit (something other than scarves).

  3. beautiful Jacky, .... all these lovely pieces are treasures. and so meaningful!

  4. What lovely pressies post Jacky. I still waiting to you goodies from Japan! Love the fingerless gloves for Lee - she would love them...

  5. so happy to hear you like what i sent to you. and such beautiful gifts from other friends. love the fingerless gloves.

  6. Your mailbox over flowed with goodness! The little quiltlet is so adorable and the colobrative piece is so heartwarming. Deanna's fabrics are gorgeous. I am lucky to own one of her pouches as well. She is another extraordinary woman. The mittens are gorgeous. I love the boro touch. Enjoy!!!

  7. What a lovely collection Jacky, it all looks beautiful. What a great idea, fingerless gloves, especially this year, it's been so wet and cold (cold by our standards).

  8. You got lovely presents Jacky ! One simple explanation for this : you deserve it !
    (haven't forgotten your present to me ;-) still playing with it !)

  9. oh jacky, you do deserve them, what wonderful mail, it must ahve felt like Christmnas...i just love them the gloves with the touch of boro...genius!!

  10. you have got some gorgeous gifts and Deanna and Hoola are both in my class. Deanna is the most well behaved...Hoola? well she is on course for a detention!!

  11. beautiful gifts and the gloves are wonderful...

  12. you have a really good mailbox! would love to hear more about how you're doing the collaborative cloth. & love the indigo/boro mitts.

  13. Hi Jacky

    What a magical mailbox you have to attract such gifts! You lucky thing. So lovely to get your comments last wekk. You are a great encouragement as always. I really appreciate it. I've been back at the needle and will have more to post soon. Love the wee gloves. Just the thing for keeping warm during these frosty onths. hope all going well for you and yours. Take care
    Love Philippa

  14. I don't knit any more, but those fingerless gloves make me regret that. They are fabulous and look easy to do - your stitched addition makes them individual and loved.

    Jacky, your generous comments to your many online friends have come back to you in these gifts. I agree, you do deserve these blessings.

  15. Lovely gifts & pieces of Cloth, perfect for winter's evening stitching. It's been a beautiful summer so far up here, at least it was yesterday.....;)

  16. Hi, Jacky. What lovely gifts and great friends. Blogland is magical!
    On the other hand, it's so hot here that I can't even begin to imagine knitting anything and then putting it on! Shoot me first!
    best, nadia

  17. A feast. I love each and every photo in this post, what abundance came your way, Jacky! The boro patches on the gloves are so very wonderful -- great idea. Happy stitching on your new cloths. xo

  18. much gorgeousness from your lovely friends!
    The eco-dyed fabrics look VERY interesting.....

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  20. Beautiful creations! Yes, that's original and an happy for you. Nice one! Keep it up!


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