Thursday, June 28, 2012

a certain satisfaction....

I've just finished my third molekin journal and there is a certain satisfaction in having finished it.  It's nice to accomplish see it through to the end.
I am by no means a prolific journaller (even though I refer to these as my daily journals) , and I often wish that I were more consistent in my journalling. 
To be disciplined enough to journal a little each day is what I would love to accomplish....but sometimes weeks go by between entries.  At first this used to bother me, my inconsistency.  But now I just do what I can when I can and I dont feel so guilty about it.
My journals are a mix of sketching, painting, ideas for future projects, a diary of sorts is lovely to look back through them.  Seeing the inspiration for cloths I have made,  paintings/prints I have made.... and to remember goings on in my everyday life.  Sometimes what I write seems really mundane.  But reading back through them,  it all becomes much more interesting than it seemed when I wrote it.
I visited my friend Lynne Hoppes blog today and you should see her lovely stack of journals.

This is my meagre little stack of journals.  Thus far all in moleskins,  but I am keen to try a Stillman & Birn sketchbook like Lynne uses.  They sound great for mixed media and watercolours etc.

It has become a ritual of mine to put a print of Magaly Ohika's art on the cover of my journals.  I love her quirky/whimsical works of art (and own quite a few of them now).  On my first  ever journal I taped one of Magaly's prints (you can buy them in postcard size) to the front,  and here I am at my fourth journal with another lovely print of her art on the cover.  Her beautiful girls above remind me a little of textile work of Sara Lechner.  They both have the same gentle quality about them.

Another little boro cloth on the go.  A friend Lili who visited recently sent me a bag of beautiful kimono scraps.  I decided to try and put them all into a little cloth ... a memory cloth of a lovely time spent with arty friends.

It's cold, rainy and pretty miserable outside today, so I thought I might share this photo  I took last summer at a friends place of his sunflowers growing in his vegie patch....just to add a bit of brightness to the day.










enjoy your weekend!

Jacky xox


  1. Ohhhhh Jacky, I didn't realize you'd completed so many journals, can't wait to see inside. It's been a rotten day today, definitely an inside day and it looks like an inside weekend coming up.

  2. What is it about the beauty of stacks themselves?! Lovely, I'm working on my 4th samples book but the 3rd doesn't have a cover yet.....
    Lovely Boro cloth.

  3. wow 4 full journals is quite impressive and they look packed, would love to see pics of the inside. Thanks for the intro to Magaly Ohika, I thought it was Sara Lechner at first, they do have the same ethreal quality. Love the kimono fabrics in your cloth and looking forward to seeing more of this. Sending you some good cheer, it seems odd that your winter is our summer - though it is grey and gloomy here today aswell, such is life in Britain!

  4. wish i had been a journaler all these years but i could never really get into that...except some dream journals which i have since destroyed. would be nice to have the journals to review ones lifetime.

  5. i think its great that you journal without putting pressure on your not an art journaller cos it stresses me :( i love magaly work too and it looks wonderful on your vcover....keep warm and toasty Jacky :)

  6. oh jacky! i am smiling!! i would so love to look through them - sitting beside you, of course. : )

    i love that you put a magaly ohika print on the cover of each one. for me having some things be consistent from journal to journal is important...


  7. i love the stacks of journals . i am inspired by both you and lynne .
    i also love the boro . i too have a collection of boro . you have given me a idea on how to use this fabric .
    great post !

  8. Wonderful post. I admire you, Jacky, for your creative journals filled with who you are, your thoughts and dreams -- I hope to art journal someday soon, too, I think I need a book or a class or something to get started. Happy stitching, your boro cloth will be so great. xo

  9. this is inspiring, maybe i'll give journalling a whirl again. i doodle here & there, but without discipline or order. thanks, too, for the links.

  10. Your journals look beautiful all stacked together Jacky... and I just the Magaly print on the cover... funny how some things we think are mundane turn out to be little gems... it has been a freezing cold week and weekend... but the sun is trying to peek through today... thankful for a little sunshine...

    Jenny x

  11. you may not think you have a lot of journals but they look so crammed! Bursting at the seams.....

  12. My fingers are twitching to browse through your journals. There's something so satisfying about a stack of bulging journals isn't there?!

  13. Almost missed this post. Congrats Jacky for completing three journals. I have been meaning to start one myself, but I can't draw and worse I can't write or spells haha! I will start after my Birthday this year (a promised to myself) - Lovely sunflowers to bring in the sunshine, thanks - Hugs Nat

  14. Nice photos you got there. Lovely post. You really have this satisfaction if you see your work is finally finished and that you exerted a lot of effort to that. Thanks!


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