Monday, June 1, 2009

Wonderful weekend ....

Apart from the fact that I have a dreadful bug at the moment (head cold), I had such a lovely weekend. A group of us girls (art girls that is) get together at each others homes every six weeks or so for an "art catch up". The house was abuzz with all of our chatter and we whiled away five or so hours before we knew it, discussing everything under the sun and having lots of show and tell. Showed off my knitting I have been doing for Grrl for her latest installation. I'm getting there Dneese....
Arent these fabrics scrummy...a lovely gift from my art buddy and fellow fabric addict Dot.

A gorgeous sunshiny pansy, a gift on Saturday from the lovely Patsy.

These are some more gifts from my art buddies on Saturday that I thought I might make into a Klimt Doll for myself. Some beautiful fabric brads from Dot, gorgeous brown silk taffeta and silk hand dyed ribbon from Julia, and the beautiful buttons were part of a gift from Ro. So many goodies get shared around at our get togethers!
I truly had the loveliest day... thank you Dot, Ro, Julia and Patsy for making the trip out to the farm for the day... it was lovely to have my friends at my home.

Beautiful bird ATC I received in my swap with Gaby. Now if any of you clicked on the link on my last post....heaven knows where it sent you as I made a typo. Try again, should work this time and Gaby's ATC's are beautiful.

Now my friend Lynne has asked to see more of the pages from the Nic Hohn journal I received, so here are some more for you Lynne.

It rained hearts and love.

Sing sweetly in the Morning
Of blessings in the dew.

could almost hear the silence

It was a bright, sunny day;
her first daffodils were in bloom,
"They're going to be a picture" she said happily.
Beautiful pages, I hope you enjoyed them.
Believe it or not I had much more I could have showed you this week, as I have been stitching a fabric page for my friend Sesga for our swap....but.... I forgot to take photos before I gave them to Dot on the weekend. Luckily for me, Dot is going to take some photos and send to me so I can show them on my blog soon.
Also, Dot embellished the most glorious piece of handmade felt and mounted it on watercolour paper for me. Unfortunately my photo turned out a bit blurry once I uploaded it, but I will take another for my next post as it is a very special piece you must see, lots of wonderful detail.
Anyways, I think this post is quite full enough!
I hope you all had a lovely sunshiny weekend...hope you got to spend it with some of your friends too.
Enjoy your creativity.
Jacky xox


  1. Jacky, oh a dreaded cold, I am sorry about that, but all that pretty artwork and sharing and friendship certainly picked you up!
    Great fun!

  2. This weekend I went to a quilt show so, although I didn't spend it with creative friends, I did get to revel in creativity. You have some lovely friends and some really neat stuff.

  3. Yes, I had a sunshinny weekend but your's was the best. I would just die to have a bunch of art buddies over to talk and play and share. Such goodness.

  4. wow, alot of goodness here! so much fun to be with friends and share what you all love - nothing quite like it! beautiful stuff here Jacky! thanks for sharing.

  5. thank you, jacky!! can you see me smiling?!! what a lovely book it is -- how sweet its energy!

    thank you for sharing your time with your art group with us!


  6. I had a great day with all of you on Saturday, there's always so much colour and inspiration on our get togethers. I hope you're feeling better now too.

  7. I am always blown away by how diverse and prolific you are...

  8. Jacky, what lovely fabric, I particularly love the one with the birds.

  9. What a beautiful post Jacky! Full to the brim of lovely photo's (you are becoming quite the photographer).
    Love the photo of your knitting basket - beautiful colors. Loved seeing the wip of your knit up for Dneese too.
    We did have a lovely afternoon didn't we? And you were the perfect hostesss. Very gracious and welcoming.
    Hope that pesky head cold loosens it's hold. You did well to entertain us (and feed us - yum) when you were poorly.
    I love our art day catch-ups.
    Dot xx

  10. Oh, this post is filled with so much color and creativity... you have recieved some beautiful treats! I hope your cold gets better... Roxanne

  11. Hi Jacky, what a great sounding weekend you had.
    Love all your gifts and those pages make me feel "happy" :)
    Get well soon OK, Jo xx

  12. Jam packed post full of inspiration ,Sounds like you had a fab day with the girls.

    Hope you are better by now .

    Love from sesga xxx

  13. Hi Jacky. That book is absolutely gorgeous, I am so jealous!

  14. and I hope you are feeling better.

  15. Great post Jacky. So many juicy creative things to see. Hope your cold has gone by now.

  16. oh wowowow what a post! ~ It was so lovely of you to visit my blog and it was great to see a message from you, thankyou Jacky. I read all about your wonderful weekend on Dots blog, the photo from your home is beautiful you live in such an awesome place. The fabric from Dot is gorgeous I especially love the bird fabric and the gifts you received are brilliant and will create lovely art, have a lovely week Jacky ~ sending love to you ~ Judy xxx

  17. Hi Jacky...sorry this is a bit late.
    I loved looking at all the lovely things in this post and I agree with Sharon - I really wish I had a group of art friends I could spend time with. Still, next best thing is having you as blogging buddies!
    Hope you are feeling fit and have had a good weekend.
    Linda x

  18. I have thet darned head cold also. I can't hear a thing and it's driving my poor husband crazy.
    What fun you had! Great stuff!
    I miss getting together with my old quilting friends back home.
    ox suze


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