Monday, June 8, 2009

Pink and Grey....

I am taking part in another fabric book swap as you know. The page below is made for sweet Sesga who lives in Wales. The theme for her lovely little book was pink and grey. The pink fabric is an Amy Butler fabric I purchases earlier in the year when my sister and I went to "An Evening with Amy Butler" in Melbourne. front of page
back of page

I really enjoyed working on these pages for Sesga and was able to use some lovely fabrics that have been gifted to me recently. Many from the lovely Dot and also one from Kasha on this back page. Love the texture the tulle and voile piece from Kasha has added to this page.

Sampler by Jude Hill
Isnt this piece beautiful? Recently I purchased this sampler piece from the etsy shop of Jude Hill. I was thrilled when it arrived in my mailbox and was just overwhelmed by the beauty of this piece in real life....beautiful, soft, recycled fabrics. Lots of intricate stitching, a real treasure. There is a real spiritual quality to Judes work and I love visiting her blog, Spiritcloth.Tinkatink thinks this quilt is for her!!! sorry about the photos quality but a dark and miserable day today. Not good for taking photos.
I have actually been inspired by Jude to pick up a WIP and get back to it. Last year three of my patchwork girlfriends and myself made up all these snowball blocks for a quilt for my son Matt (arent they are lovely friends!!!). I had made up the blocks into strips, but hadnt joined the strips... BUT, this weekend I have nearly finished the quilt top. Now I just have to come to a decision as to the border, pieced or plain.

This photo shows the blocks before I started joining the strips and the colours show a bit better. Must say....I'm not used to working with these earthy, muted colours. For such a long time I have been using lots of bright Kaffe Fassett colours.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend. I know I have enjoyed visiting a few blogs today to catch up with what everyone has been doing over the weekend.
I will be without our computer again for most of this week. It has to go back to the computer guy as its playing up again and needs something re-installed. I'll be back visiting as soon as it returns though.
Jacky xox


  1. Hi Jacky, it sounds as though you've had a very productive long weekend. I love what you've done with the Amy Butler fabric - the little bird looks beautiful. And Matt's quilt looks amazing - I'm sure he'll treasure this quilt for years to come. Lee :)

  2. The bird and flower are gorgeous - I love them!

  3. The quilt looks gorgeous to me, poor light or not.

  4. Jacky, your fabric art is just gorgeous, I love how you used the fabric and I am glad it was useful.

  5. Wow. this is all so georgeous!!!

  6. Hi Jacky,
    Thanks for the comment...I feel a little exposed showing so much of myself...usually like to keep a bit incognito...oh well...
    Love the page you did for the fabric book, your work is truly so beautiful....and that piece of art you purchased on Etsy, its gorgeous too...xx

  7. OOOOOOOOOO Yummy is that for me !!
    I LOVE it , the little birdie is Adorable all the stitching and different textures so Yummy .
    I cant wait to see it for real .

    Love the Quilt Im sure Matt will Treasure it .Hope you can get tinka tink off it so you can finish it .

    Hope you have a good week love from Sesga xxx

  8. Your book pages and quilt are beautiful Jacky.I love the piece of art stitching from Jude at Spirit Cloth, her work always amazes me.

  9. Jacky, your artwork in the fabric book rr is stunning! LOVE the pink and gray and so will the recipient! Wheeeeee! And your quilt top is gggggggreat! Look how you were inspired to go and finish that! WONDERFUL! Such a talent you are!

  10. oh how I admire all of this amazing work! just beautiful!

  11. your fabric book has just all the magical elements.. gorgeous. And as far as spirit cloth's work goes..she is amazing.

  12. you really have a way with fabric miss jacky :)) xx

  13. Your pages are stuuning Jacky, and the sampler form Jude is beautiful. Look forward to seeing the quilt all finished too....jenxo

  14. Hi Jacky, your klimt doll is ready to fly ;o).
    Hope you like her as much as I do your little lady!!
    Please send me your adres again...would you like to do a atc fabric swap now do with me?? :o).

  15. Hey Jacky,
    Wow! I love that little pink bird!
    Wonderful stitching!
    And the sampler is beautiful as well.

  16. hello, you stitching queen (actually you and dot :)) beautiful pages you created. always inspiring, love the fabrics. the quiltie looks grand too.

  17. Hi Jacky,
    Just popping into say hello! This is a fantastic post with so much inspiration... you are always so busy these days! Your work is as gorgeous as ever.

  18. Hi, Jacky! Tinkatink is adorable! I really like the earthy colors in the quilt you are making for your son. It will be a lovely masculine quilt! :-)

  19. Hey Jacky,
    Fantastic work! I love your cat's name..Tinkatink! So cute. :)


  20. I love pink and grey together. The little bird is cute. Great quilt!

  21. Jacky your work is just so beautiful

  22. Oh - I thought I had left a comment on this post! Having seen your pages in Sesga's book up close I know how special they are. So many lovely details.
    And your quilt from Jude Hill is gorgeous.
    Like how your quilt for Matt is shaping up too!
    Look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
    Dot xx
    P.S Our kitties always find the BEST places to sleep...

  23. Hi Jacky - Good to see that wee snip of your son's quilt. Looking forward to seeing it complete with the border, whether simple or complex, as your son will be. And then the sampler from Jude - just lovely. You will enjoy that for many years to come I am sure. Philippa

  24. OH,your fabric pages are so sweet. I'm so lucky to have your work in my fabric book! (still unbound -- but I'm working on it!!)

  25. I love your bird and flowers and the beautiful stitching... sounds like such happy and productive time for you... and the inside page of the little book below are lovely. Roxanne

  26. The first two pictures are the most lovely of the kind I have seen till now. the combination of simple techniques is wonderful. keep going!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hi Jacky,
    Yes, small world isnt it?...I dont know when I'll get to the Dali but soon I hope...xx

  29. Oooh I'm so impressed with the 2nd piece (back cover). A work of art.

  30. Wow- your fabric journal is just sooo beautiful.

  31. Hi again,
    You'll have to post again, as I have relied 3 times now on this post...LOL...
    Yes, I loved my sister's collage, it was very deep for us...Hope all is well at your end of Melbourne?...xx


Thanks for popping by and taking the time to leave a comment....