Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter .......

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break, I know I am really looking forward to mine! I intend to spend some of my time sitting in my favourite chair (which as you can see below I often have share with one of my cats, Phoebe).... I want to do lots of stitching during the break. The weather has cooled down, so perfect stitching weather. This is a close up of some of the stitching on a Klimt doll I have worked on this week for a friend in the USA.... she has been waiting a while for her doll, but will be pleased to know she is on her way.
This is the finished doll. I have it on good advice that pink and orange are two of my friends favourite colours. As usual I have used a Kaffe Fassett fabric for this girl.... KF fabrics lend themselves so well to these art dolls I think.

I hope the Easter Bunny brings you much love and peace (and of course lots of yummy Easter Eggs).
Jacky xox


  1. Oh, such a stunning klimt doll, love those vibrant colors.
    Have Happy Easter too jenxo

  2. Oh the detail in this little Klimt doll is amazing! I especially love the pink cheeks. Lee :)

  3. Happy Easter to you, too. Just adore these beautiful colours.

  4. Happy Easter to you also the pic of your chair and kitty.....

  5. Hi, Jacky! Looks like Phoebe knows a good chair when she sees it! :-)

  6. Happy Easter Jacky...that chair looks like the place to be.
    Your doll's are just beautiful...Jo xx

  7. Happy easte to for you!!!
    Beautiful klimt!

  8. Oh, I love your cozy chair and kitty... and your new klimt doll! Happy Easter to you too! roxanne

  9. she is gorgeous and will be loved and appreciated i am sure when she reaches her new home

    happy easter
    enjoy your comfy chair

  10. Hi Jacky I hope you and your family have a wonderful peaceful Easter. Love the colours of this klimt doll, very vibrant. Take care Belinda xxx

  11. Thank you for my big warm pink hug.I loved it! I too am craving to sit and stitch,crochet or knit...although the weather is still warm here. Its kind of innate. Love your darling dolls Jacky.Smiles and sunshine to you xoxox

  12. Love and Peace and happy stitching to you Jacky!
    Love the picture of your chair with your cat sleeping above.
    And the doll is simply glowing with life.

  13. There's a glow about that pretty little klimt doll. Hope your weekend is very laid back and relaxed. Enjoy!

  14. And a Happy Easter to you too.
    Love your Klimt Doll...
    Love that chair pic with cat, looks so comfy...Cant wait to see you all again Julia

  15. This Klimt doll is fabulous as usual!
    Happy Easter to you and yours! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Gaby xo

  16. Hi Jacky,
    The doll is gorgeous!!! I adore Klimt's art and think he would have loved this beautiful tribute to his work. Have a great day!

  17. Love your dolls.
    Your kitty cat is so cute, that photo is beautiful!

    Thanks for visiting...

  18. Belated Happy Easter to you Jacky! I loved catching up with you and Lee. Your Klimt doll for your friend in the US is stunning and very vibrant. Loved seeing it close up last Sunday. You have such a way with fabric and color (and tiny stitching).

    Loved the pic of your favorite chair with Miss Phoebe sitting on top (kitties do find the most comfy places to sit don't they?).

    Hope you enjoyed the rest of your Easter.

    Dot xx

  19. Oh she is sooo beautiful....i love her.....such a sweet face too.

    Love, Violette

  20. What a wonderful shot of Phoebe and 'her' chair, makes me want to snuggle right in next to her!


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