Monday, March 30, 2009

I've been stitching .....

It seems ages since I've picked up needle and thread, and I've missed it! I needed to finish this Monet/Klimt doll and a little owl for a swap with an online friend (they are currently winging their way to Germany). Its very therapeutic stitching..... I have a couple more Klimt dolls and another owl to make in the next few weeks for a couple of other friends too...lucky I am in a stitching mood. This is the little owl below, I really enjoyed stitching this quirky little fellow. I used one of my favourite Kaffe Fassett fabrics.... millefiore . They are only tiny, but lots of stitching.
I also made the ATC below for our swap.... my friend wanted one of my ATC's (I was a bit daunted by this request) ....I havent made one for ages, so I played around on the weekend and came up with this little fellow. Hope she likes it, she loves the birdies too!

As promised, my face painting from DJ's class. What fun to do a class with DJ Pettit, she is one of the most beautiful and generous souls. Thoroughly enjoyed the class and loved learning her techniques.... must practice, practice, practice. DJ was so patient and caring with each of her students, made one on one time for all of us to help with the techniques. We all started with the same face, but once we'd painted them they all took on personalities of their own. Sorry I dont have a close up photo (personally, I think mine looks better from a distance).

And today this gorgeous little felt fairy arrived in the mail from my dear friend Shirl in Western Australia. After the retreat Shirl and I spent a couple of days shopping in Melbourne (and boy are we power shoppers!!!!!). Soooo cute, thank you Shirl. Sorry the picture is a bit over exposed.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week.... look forward to visiting your blogs.
Jacky xox


  1. Hi Jacky,
    All your art is amazing- just love everything!!!! The little owl is so gorgeous.So lovely to see your retreat creations, too. xx

  2. Hi, Jacky! What lovely creations! The ATC is beautiful. And I love the face you painted in class! Sounds like so much fun! :-)

  3. What a lovely post! The little bird painting, the face, your dolls and everything. I can see you sparkeling from here! Roxanne

  4. HJacky,
    Your DJ Face is wonderful, and the little owl and Atc too...Love the orange fabric you used as well, your stitching is extremely good, such detail on a small piece.....I'm glad you had such a great time at the retreat and shopping afterwards...look forward to catching up in

  5. only gorgeous things come from your hands.. good to see you display that great face too!

  6. tooooooooo cuuuuuuute! the little owl! - those eyes!

  7. Hi Jacky so glad to see you back into creating your gorgeous works of art. Love the owl so cute. Your friends little fairy it is adorable. Jacky could you please send me your address so I can send your gift. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog, and by the way your face picture is great :) Take care Belinda xxx

  8. All gorgeous Jacky.... I especially love the little owl and the ATC (still in a serious bird phase!!). shirl's little fairy is just awesome as well.


  9. Love it all!! Beautiful atc!! The owl is awesome.
    And your little klimt is so great!!!

  10. Oh, the little owl! Extra cute... Your friend will love the ATC. Love your doll and the fairy you received and the face painting. Just a beautiful post! Made my eyes happy. xo

  11. Jacky - your latest Klimt doll is fabulous (she looks like she would be a lot of fun).

    And the owlet is a cutie.

    Nice to see a photo of you with your face painting from DJ's class. You did a wonderful job and look very pleased with yourself in this photo.

    And that little fairy from Shirl is gorgeous.

    You know how much I love your bird ATC's!

    Dot xx

  12. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them all:-) Everything you create is unique and beautiful.
    Your painting is just marvellous, Jacky!
    Gaby xoxo

  13. Hi! Your face painting is fantastic! Well done.

  14. What a great post, so much to see. Love it all. Your doll's beautiful as is the one from Shirley. Great painting from DJ's class too.

  15. Hi Jacky! Love the ATC. It will be treasured I'm sure. Thanks for visiting and comments on my mittens - I undersand your envy. You'll have to pop back for another look as Marilyn, my friend who knitted them, has left a message for you. Keep up the great work. Philippa

  16. Love your little owls, Jacky!! all of the stitching just gives him such texture and feathery personality, and you know how much I love your klimt Dolls!!!
    you did a fabulous job with the face for Dj's class but you are a fabulous artist and do so well with faces even before you went on this retreat!!!!!

  17. Beautiful stitching! The owl is so precious. And your painting is gorgeous and the SWEET!

  18. Hi! I have given you an award, no obligation to do it if you don't want!

  19. Lovely work, Jacky! The owls will always be my favourites. ;-)

  20. JACKY!!!! Such fun you have been up to! I am happy to check in on you! Your class with DJ looked to come out amazing.......your piece looks SUPER............and SO DO YOU! WOW, wonderful! Glad you had such an awesome class! And your sweet little owl and girl and wonderful! LOVE them. And you are lucky to receive such a sweet fairy from a friend, there can NEVER be enough fairies in one's home! :0) Sending a big hug to you and your house of men! Hope you are all doing well!
    Smooches, Patti

  21. Hi Jacky...sorry this is a bit late; just got back from holiday.

    What a glorious post - so many precious things! But most of all I LOVE your painting; its brilliant! You must be really pleased with it.
    I ordered some things from DJ Pettitt's etsy store and they arrived today....just gorgeous!!
    Linda x

  22. Lovely, lovely...... including you!

    Happy stitching. xo

  23. What a lovely angel , I love her very much !
    Rini the Netherlands


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