Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Look who arrived today !!!

I went down to the front gate this morning to check the mail and guess who was waiting for me?????? The gorgeous mrs. mizzle. To say I wasnt excited when I saw my package from Lynne was an understatement. Beautifully packaged in Lynnes very personal way....
A gorgeous butterfly card (that is sure to be part of a journal very soon), some amazing feathers artfully held together with copper wire and a safety pin. The tag Lynne made is wonderful too. I must take a photo of it to show you in my next post as you need to see the texture. What a gift mrs. mizzle is. She is already dispensing of her sage counsel and offering some good advice. Very, special. Thank you Lynne for sharing your wonderful art. At present she is residing on my bookshelf.... she tells me she loves to read in her spare time.
Love in a package from Sesga. More art goodies in the mail this week. My dear friend Sesga from Wales sent me a lovely package....check out the beautiful vintage owl brooch, the scrummy fabrics and beautiful little key ring. Not to mention the hand printed birds on the silk... the birthday fairy was good to me.

AND a beautiful book from the talented Nic Hohn, sharing her love around. This is the back cover, but I just love it (show you the front another time...some of my photos didnt turn out too well this time).

Each day I open it on a different page. This was my page for today, beautiful sentiment. Thank you Nic...just perfect.

Dont you just love this owl??? On Sunday my sister Lee and I went to a lino cut and print making demonstration by the talented Helen Timbury (who I am pleased to say lives locally). Now, I would love to say this was my lino cut, but that would be a fib.... Helen generously let us all have a play at making prints with her lino cuts. I just adored this owl.

and this beetle

and this bird.
Lee and I (and maybe Dot) are going to take a class with Helen in August to learn printmaking techniques.... really looking forward to that.
Sorry if I have been out of touch this past week, but computer problems hit our household. We were without our trusty computer for nearly six days..... back on track again now and will try and get to visit some blogs again .... I have been having withdrawals.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and you have a week filled with happiness.
Jacky xox


  1. What wonderful goodies! Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Hi, Jacky! Lots of yummy goodies in the mail! Wow! I especially like that lovely journal page with the big heart on it. Enjoy all the goodies! :-)

  3. oh, doesn't Mrs. Mizzle look happy after her long journey? - she is home! love the lino/wood cuts

  4. Hi Jacky what a wonderful lot of gifts you received.When was your birthday? Happy belated Birthday, hope it was a good one. My friend is at Uni studying printmaking and I am in awe of what she can do. I have Lino print tools sitting here as we speak but haven't gotten around to trying them yet. The little owl and bird have certainly inspired me to have a go. Take care Belinda

  5. ooh! So that's where mrs Mizzle went? How lucky are you?
    I did love her when she showed up at Lynne's...

  6. Always such a pleasure to visit your blog!

  7. What a lovely lot of goodies, Happy Birthday to you too !jenxo

  8. Mrs Mizzle is quite beautiful - just as you described her to me.

    I had a truly lovely day with you on Sunday & was so glad that we stuck around for the linocut demonstration. I must go to the art shop & get some more lino so I can make some more linocuts.

    Lee xx

  9. Jacky, ohhhhhh was it your Happy Birthday? I hope your day was super lovely! I love all the gifties you received, they are artful and touched your heart too! <3 WONDERFUL!
    I love all your showings and the prints are neat! You could carve a stamp like that-----not sure what the printing is exactly, but they look great and as long as you love do I! :0)
    Sending a hug over the miles and hoping all is well with your and family of men!
    xoxoxox Patti

  10. Happy Birthday Jacky!!! I love your packaged goodies and the lino cuts are fabulous!! youa re going to love cutting your own, but think about using the soft rubber 9like Ro uses) as it is much easier on the hands and much easier to cut!!!

    Big Birthday Hugs!
    May is a fabulous month for a birthday!!

  11. Oh Jacky, I can see you printmaking!!!You are taking in some new techniques of late. You Go Girl! So glad you like the book. All my love with sunshine hugs xoxox

  12. :) such nice things. I love the prints and I adore the book from the previous post.

  13. jacky, i am so behind on my blog checking, but here i finally am and viola! mrs. mizzle is at the top of the page! oh yes, of course she's a reader... you don't think anyone would come from my home that's not a reader do you?!

    and sesga's package! wow! how lovely it is! yes, you sure deserve all of this goodness, birthday or not...

    i would love to see more of nic's book if you want to share it... i love her work. it's so soulful (not to mention beautiful).

    you're going to have so many tricks up your sleeve what with the lino cutting class and the other things you've been learning... (i think we cannot have too many tricks up our sleeves, don't you? ; )

    i wanted to tell you that today i got all of the grasses and flowers that you've sent -- i'm pondering what kind of book (or?) i want to make to put them in. they are so precious to me. also i was cutting out images from one of the art gallery guides you sent for mail art a little while ago...

    sending you much love and gratitude... xo

  14. What lovely packages you have gathered Jacky, and what a delightful walk to gather them! Thanks for sharing.

  15. The birthday fairy was very good to you -- Happy Birthday!

  16. Great post Jacky Mrs Mizzle really looks at home and what a great book from Nic too.

  17. Beautiful countryside!
    Mrs Mizzle looks perfectly at home doesn't she? Love that owl!

  18. Oh.... happy belated birthday Jackie. What a beautiful (& inspiring) post.
    x mandy

  19. what a wonderful birthday you must have had with all those scrummy parcels! :)

  20. Came to visit Ms. Mizzle--she looks contented; tell her mansuetude sends her love!

  21. Cannot wait to meet Mrs Mizzle on Saturday Jacky! She looks very at home in your home. I know Lynne always packages things beautifully too.
    And your goodies from Sesga are lovely. She is such a sweetheart isn't she?
    Nic's book looks so lovely. She does such beautiful and love inspired work.
    Your Lino cut images are wonderful(love that owl).
    Glad you are still enjoying your birthday (as you should!).

  22. Oh Mrs. Mizzle is beautiful... and so are your prints and artmaking! Roxanne


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