Friday, March 6, 2009

Been quiet ......

I recently finished these fabric pages for my friend Dot's Round Robin book. We have been working in these books for the past year and Dot's was my last in the Round Robin...quite sad that its finished as I loved working in these books. Dot kindly sent me these photos (as I forgot to take some before I sent her book off). Loved working on Dots pages as she loves bright and vibrant colours, stitching and I used her favourite Kaffe Fassett fabric for her from page.
This is the back of the page - again using some of her favourite KF fabrics. I have been making a lot of little owls recently so couldnt resist putting a little owlet in the pocket of the heart.

I've been a bit quiet lately.... with the fires and family visiting there hasnt been much time for my artistic pursuits. BUT, thats about to change as I am off to the Creative Soul Art Retreat at the end of next week...Yaayyyyyy. So looking forward to catching up with lots of friends and learning lots of new techniques/art forms. Will keep you posted.
Take care all and will be back again soon.
Jacky xox


  1. Hi Jacky! Thank you for your comments recently. I am so glad that you are going to participate in an art retreat! I hope that it will fill you with inspiration and peace following the time of the fires...

    Love your pages too...

    xoxo Camilla

  2. Such a treat to see that little owl face peering out the pocket. A kangaroo owl?

  3. Oh Jacky the little owl face is absolutely beautiful! Looking forward to spending the day with you and Jo on Thursday, and having you stay over. Lee xx

  4. Glad to see you back Jacky..
    Love what you did in the fabric book.

  5. Hellooooo !
    The fabric pages are stunning I love the little owl in the pocket he is super duper cute .
    Im looking forward to our Round Robin.
    Love from sesga xxx

  6. Great blog and I loved the fabrics. I shall come again, for sure.

  7. Great fabric pages Jacky! I especially love the little owl (do you think you can get owl angels?)
    Hope you have a wonderful time at the retreat - you lucky girl!
    Linda X

  8. love the owl! have a fabulous art retreat!

  9. Oh lovely book pages Jacky, love your little owls !!have a great catch up with Dot too jenxo

  10. I'd wave at you from Bali, but it would mean I have to put my cocktail down. So excited to be going from here to there and getting to meet you at last.....

  11. oooh such lovely pages and colours so yummy, enjoy your retreat ~ Judy x

  12. Pretty pages! Have fun at the retreat! :-)

  13. Hi Jacky,
    You know I adore your work! Just lovely.......Dotee will love it!
    Sending a hug your way....
    (wink) Patti

  14. Gorgeous fabric pages, Jacky! Love all the little details!
    Hope you have a wonderful time at the art retreat.

    Gaby xo

  15. P.S. Take lots of pics while you're at that retreat! And have a blast! :-)

  16. Hi Jacky

    So good to see you on Sunday! And you know how much I adore the pages you made for my book. You do such gorgeous work and I can feel the love that has gone into these pages. And you know much I LOVE the KF fabrics you used too :)

    Am really looking forward to the retreat on the weekend and sharing a room with you and Jo. What fun!

    See you soon...

    Dot xx

  17. Hi Jacky,

    Home at last! What a fun accomplishment. I know the thrill of seeing ones book AGAIN but filled up with delicious artwork! I love the owlie!

    Lots of love,


  18. Oh, such beautiful pages! I love them..the little owl peeking out...and the dancing girl frocklicking through the flowers...gorgeous.

    It seems like everything is quiet around here too. The cold weather is keeping us all inside... :(


  19. Jacky, enjoy your art sounds like good medicine to me!!! Will look forward to hearing and hopefully seeing all about it. Jo xx

  20. Hey Jacky!
    I've missed coming here while I was away. Your work just speaks to me. The owlet is so sweet. Perfect.

    Hope you have a fabulous creative time while you are away. Can't wait to see what you have been up to at your retreat.

  21. All of the work that you havedone in these books has been phenomenal! Love what have done in Do's book- your little owl is just darling!! Can't wait to hear qbout your Art Retreat!! i know that you will have a wonderful time.

  22. I love all of the stitching you do on all your fabric art... just amazes me! and inspires me also!

  23. i love this book, jacky... these fabrics are gorgeous and your design/stitching is gorgeous too.

    i'm thinking about you and trusting that you're having a fabulous retreat (and not letting grrl get you into too much trouble). xo

  24. Lovely art and I hope everything calms down for you. Have a great retreat! Roxanne

  25. Hi Jacki,
    I didn't get much of a chance to look at your book.
    Great to meet you at the retreat.

    Look forward to seeing you again soon?



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