Monday, June 23, 2008

Klimt Challenge....

These two fabric dolls were made in response to a Klimt inspired Challenge on Sharon's blog. I have always admired Gustav Klimts art and a while ago had drawn up a pattern for these dolls (and that was as far as I got!!!!). After seeing the Challenge on Sharon's blog I decided it was time to find the pattern and have a bit of play. I have always loved the patterns and doodles in Klimts work, the odd angles of the human form he uses (but most of all his wild use of colour and patterns).
I thought the two girls looked good together, sort of fitted together as do the forms in his paintings.
Thanks Sharon for the wonderful challenge, I am going to make more of these quirky little art dolls.
How lucky am I???? I received this wonderful Babushka doll from my dear art friend Dot last week (sorry about the quality of the photo... just couldnt get it right, this winter light is not conducive to taking good photos).
I have always LOVED these little family of dolls, so was very excited to receive one in the mail...just the best surprise. Thank you Dot - she is beautiful and I love the gorgeous owl fabric you have used for the mama.

AND this one is for you too Dot. This is the latest addition to our menagerie.... her name is Tinkatink. My girlfriend Marianne rescued a mother cat and her 5 kittens so I was called in to adopt one. She is a gorgeous little girl and has fit into our family well (even with Leroy the Rhodesian Ridgeback.... he is scared of her!!!).

Hope you are all having a wonderful week and were able to get some art time over the weekend.

Take care until next time .......


  1. Those dolls are precious, you did an awesome job!

    Speaking of precious, so is Tinkatink :o)

  2. Yes Yes Yes! They are so absolutely Klimt. And I love them.
    They are perfect. I know you will make more. Thank you so much for playing ART with me.

  3. Your dollies are wonderful!!!!!!!! Your new kitty is beyond CUTE and you KNOW I LOVE my banner and all of them! Sending hugs!

  4. wow jacky, how clever are YOU!!!! Loving the dolls :))

  5. Hi I love your dolls, very beautiful and Dot's dolls are as cute as ever. I really like your cute kitty too. Belinda

  6. OoOOoh your Klimt dolls are just beautiful, and oh how super envious am I of your lovely Babushka dolls from Dot, so so prettyfull!
    Tinkatink is adorable, give her a smooch from me! <3

  7. Your dolls are gorgeous but I'm in love with Tinkatink!!

  8. I love your Klimt dolls! The fabrics are wonderful.

  9. your klimt dolls are inspirational.
    And as for Tinkatink, woweeeee what a beauuuuuuuutiful kitten.

  10. What a beautiful post Jacky! Full to the brim of lovely art.

    Your Klimt doll's are wonderful! Love the design and the fabrics you used. And your faces just get better and better.

    So glad you like your Russian doll set. Couldn't resist using some of the owl fabric.

    And I am in love with Tinkatink (love fluffy kitties as you know). How funny that Leroy is scared of such a little girl he hee..

  11. who doesn't love KLIMT!!! love your dollies, they are fabuloux!! love your cat from the distance - i'm allergic to them :(
    dot's matrioshkas are so cute. enjoy them!!!

  12. Hi Jacky
    you really have captured Klimt's style ,Beautiful fabrics and faces, you are soo clever.
    Tinkatink is precious, super duper cute !I would love a kitty but mean!! husband does not agree.
    Your doll set from Dot is adorable ,I love them .
    Love from sesga xx

  13. What beautiful things Jacky - a feast for the eyes! Your Klimt dolls are gorgeous and so original, Dot's Russian dolls are amazing (I know because I have one)and I just want to cuddle Tinkatink SO much (would you do a swap for her? See my Pebble on my blog - there's a slight age difference though!)

  14. Your dolls are fun Jacky! I love the fabric and your faces are beautiful.

    Love the babushka doll dot sent you. they are so sweet!

    And your kitten is just so cute. they are hard to pass up aren't they?

    Jill in Florida

  15. Love your dolls...shape, colour and stitch all beautiful.
    I am a cat lover too, Tinkatink is special.

  16. These Klimt dolls look wonderful Jacky! I too love the style of his work and you've interpreted it to a "t"!

  17. Oh my Tinkatink is adorable! And I laughed at the relationship comment, I have seen tiny kittens run this house! I know this little onw willbe blessed in your home.

  18. Klimmt is one of my favourite artists and you have captured the spirit of his work so very well. Great stuff - John

  19. I think your take on Klimt's work is absolutely brilliant. You are very talented. I love what you do.

    Also nice to know that you are a fellow cat lover.

  20. I've been hopping about on some blogs...and lo and behold...I see Dot and her little dolls on here too.

    I always think it is fun to see familiar faces or names on blogs I first many interconnected blogs and bloggers....

    One day I must make a Dotee doll...and love the Klimt dolls...


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