Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Peaceful weekend .....

Hi everyone, I hope you had a lovely peaceful weekend. I had a fantastic weekend. I was lucky enough to have my 10 year old nephew, Hugh, visit for the weekend. We always have a fun time and he likes to get into some "arty" stuff when he visits.
This weekend we made a birthday card for his Aunty. We had visited a local craft store and found some new pens that colour on acetate. Using some gold stickers we were able to make a card with a stained glass effect... looked wonderful! Sorry, I forgot to take any photos of his card but am sure next time he is out we will make more and I will post a picture then.
He also tried his hand at knitting - the intention being to knit himself a scarf for this winter.
Now to the photo above... These three ATC's were made for a bird ATC swap that I have been participating in over the past months. The middle ATC is made of fabric, the other two are paper. These were the last of the ATC's I had to make for this swap. They are now winging their way to Patti B. in the USA.

The above is a fabric bird I made last year for my dear friend Dot. I just thought I would share this picture with you as I thought that it made a lovely Easter present (far less calories than chocolate !!!!). The pattern was a freebie I received when I attended a quilting gathering last year. The ladies who provided the pattern were "Melly & Me". They have some wonderful patterns on their site if you want to google it (due to the fact that I dont yet know how to link!!! Dont worry, this will be remedied soon as Dot is going to give me some lessons this weekend).
This is a close up of the nest which was crocheted using thin strips of fabric... looked ever so cute (and Dot loved it).

Sorry, but not the best photo. This is a little doll I made on the weekend, for no reason at all except that I wanted to try a doll in this black and white stripe and also do a painted face. Still not sure if she is finished???
Thanks for visiting and enjoy your week ........


  1. I Love all the goodies on your blog they are awesome.Love your ATC they are beautiful.
    Swaps meets I go to collect Junk are some car swap meets.You can find stuff there sometimes.Hope this helps

  2. Jacky sweet, ALL your uploads are fantastic! I have missed a few things I see! LOVE your bird in the nest, your sweet atcs, your fabric book is ready and STUNNING!!!!!!
    Love everything! I am so inpsired by your banner pieces too! Wheeeeee!

  3. Your art is always so fantastic. Love the ATCs and the bird for Dot. The little nest is just adorable and the striped doll is cute as can be. You're just one very talented lady!!

  4. Your ATC's are awesome!!!! Love the dolly too, just fabulous. And I remember seeing the bird on Dot's blog. Way way cool!! You are extremely talented my friend :-)

  5. All so very beautiful. What lovely soothing ATC's and the dolly is such a fun looking girl - reminds me a little of a skittle (oops that rhymed).

  6. Thanks for the visit. I am falling in love with your art. So beautiful, love the birds, & the doll. And don't feel bad I had to get my friend to show me how to link too! (that's what friend's are for) Thank God for friends. Hugs***Renea

  7. It's such a pleasure to visit your blog. I enjoy your work. I especially like the muted colours of your bird ATCs.

  8. Hi Jacky! I love your little clown doll. She's really fun! The ATC's are really gorgeous too... anything birdie always makes me smile. Have another lovely weekend!


  9. So happy that Ive held that divine bird in my hot little hands Jacky.It truly is the most wonderful piece of fabric art and that nest ....fabo.LUvvvvvvv the ATcs,AMAZING and your dolly is so sweet.black and white is always so eyecatching. Lovin your updates

    Dawnie T xxx

  10. I had to come several times to continuously admire your creations. Everything is beautiful. I love the colors of ATC, the doll is beyond adorable, but that bird and nest WOW! And there couldn't be a more perfect place for the bird to live than Dot's home.

  11. What a luscious post Jacky!! Your ATC's are beautiful. And I adore the fabric bird (and knitted nest)you gave me last Easter. It is gorgeous!!!

    I was so thrilled when you gave me the gorgeous little striped girl (Wendy) yesterday. I am sure you could tell by the squeal I gave when you told me she was mine hee heee..

    So pleased you are blogging and sharing your art with the world.
    Dot xx

  12. Jacky , I love the little black and white doll very , very much ;o))
    Love Rini

  13. I CAN'T WAIT to work in you book -- it looks so fun!
    Those bird ATCs are fantastic! And I love that stripey dolly!

  14. Jacky, I don't know where to start when it comes to commenting on all of your increadable art! Each one makes me smile or giggle or both.... Love the little dolls!

  15. Those bird ATC's are brilliant......I just love the colors you chose.....and birds are my favorite next to trees.....AMAZING!!

    Thanks for checking out my blog. I am glad to have found yours :o)


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