Lynne uses mixture of pencils, oil pastels, gouache, watercolor and many other mediums (she's very brave) and she very generously explained exactly what we needed.
Back in 2009 I was in an altered book Round Robin. I found an old book, "The Greatest Thing in the World" by Henry Drummond and sent if off. The problem was there were only four of us participating in the RR, so there were still MANY empty pages. I decided this book was perfect for me to practice faces.
Mrs. Moody came about due to a reference on the page I used of the 'Messrs. Moody '....
Lots more practice needed, but I loved incorporating the oil pastel, gouache, watercolours etc. Lots of fun, smooshing them around, smearing and generally having fun... thanks Lynne.
Mrs. Moody. (click to enlarge)
I have been haunting the Opportunity Shops (charity shops) lately too. Finding some old books and fabrics. A couple of weeks ago I found this lovely still life painting.....I am quite taken with still life. Of course I had to buy it ($50). I just love it and have it hanging in my bedroom. I think it will be in the lounge room soon, where I can see more of it. It is oil on hardboard by Ellen Mileo (1934-2006) a real TREASURE for me. I am trying to find out a bit about the artist.
"Cyclamen and pomegranates" by Ellen Mileo (oil on hardboard)
I have been doing some crochet too. I've been enjoying crocheting this scarf for a friend of mine ...arent the colours glorious. They make you happy ....and it is coming along quickly as I'm always wanting to get to the next colour in the variegated ball of yarn.
crocheted scarf.
Thats all for the moment. I know I've been away from my blog for a while, family commitments make it hard sometimes, but I am still quietly creating when I have the time. It's great therapy.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Bye for now,