Tuesday, February 28, 2012

yo-yo's .....

I caught up with my art friends on the weekend..... Ro, Dot and Patsy.  We spent a beautiful day down by the beach in Beaumaris, lunching at the "Tea House" a lovely little cafe right on the beach.  It was a perfect summers day... beautiful sunshine, with a light sea breeze (guess who forgot her camera though!!!). 
There was amazing birdlife....black swans, pelicans, seagulls all swimming in the shallows,  feeding.  A beautiful little wattle bird kept us entertained while we ate....he dined with us....we on our scrummy salads and cakes,  the wattle bird  swooping on insects.

Afterwards we all went back to Patsy's studio and made yo-yo's.  We are making ourselves necklaces from these.....stay tuned for the finished product!  The lovely old box of threads was from my MIL's,  it belonged to her mother ...a special treasure for me.  I also have some of the most amazing old lace...I will photograph that for another day.

I have been stitching these letters for ALAW.  Muted coloured thread beads  (a la Jude Hill)  make up the letters for my alphabet on a lovely soft white linen cloth.  I am enjoying stitching these and by the end of the year I will have two sets of alphabets. I quite like the look of them pinned to this lovely shibori dyed silk from Ziguzagu ... I might have to find some more.


Jacky xox

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sending Love ...




 Heart gifted by  Nic Hohn.

 Heart gifted by Ro Bruhn

 Heart gifted by Dawnie

 Heart gifted by Robin Olsen

 Hearts - stitched by me a la Jude Hill.

Magic Diaries cloth.  Layout idea.  taken at night...

I have been playing around with ideas for laying my cloth out on backing.... I am thinking I will have the earthy/neutral patches in the centre of the cloth and surround them with the blues and indigo's.   Well that's todays plan anyway.  I need to get it onto a backing cloth soon so I can have more of an idea where to go with it next.

I hope you have enjoyed your Valentines Day ..... know you are loved!

Jacky xox

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Drying and stitching ......

Now this is the sort of washing I like to see hanging on the line..... some more eco dyeing.  It's lovely to see it fluttering on the line, seeing how the colour has taken.  Most of these are silks.  I used vintage kimono silk, silk velvet, flannel blanketing and felted wool.

 The pieces below had some 'purple carrot' in the bundles....what amazing colour they gave off.  My friend Nat gave me a couple of them to try....I will definately be on the hunt for them now.

 Pieces of an old silk dress dyed with eucalyptus leaves (the tan/orange) and the darker colour was achieved using metal to wrap the fabric around.
 More of those Purple carrots...this time the piece was wrapped around an old piece of exhaust pipe and put in the dye bath.  I love the grey colour from the metal and the spotty look at the bottom.

 And above,  little more stitching to my cloth (click for a closer look).  The rainbow bird is finished...he has arms and legs now.  Plus some stitching around the Magic Pony....lots of x's  and above him some birds feet stitched (variation of fly stitch).  It was Australia Day on January 26th so I stitched the Southern Cross  on this small piece of cloth to celebrate the day and more mark making stitches.  The moon is a moonday moon (visit Peggy's blog to find out more).  I've even tried a bit of paper pieces which I have decided I love!!!  So easy to pack a little bag of pieces to take when you are out and about.  And if you look really closely I have stitched over a little silk heart with my mark making.... it is valentines day soon!

Close up of some of the stitching.



Have a great week.

Jacky xox

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eco Fun ......

My friend Nat and I ventured up into the hills at Upwey last weekend to do an eco dyeing workshop with Jude Craig of Naturally Dyed.  What a fantastic day!!!!
Jude is a very talented and generous person,  sharing her home, her art, her supplies and her passion for eco dyeing with us.
The picture below is of Jude beside her piece "Miss Havershams Dress" (click for a closer look), it is wonderful in real life..... and the dressmakers dummy beside her is adorned with a rusty piece of metal (I think part of a wire base of an old bed).  This is Jude's inspiration for work she is doing for an upcoming exhibition later this year with a couple of sculptors from her area. 

We spend the first part of our morning being inspired by pieces of Judes art in her home and studio and then after Jude does a quick demonstration of her process we are let loose in the studio.  Bundles of various eucalypts, wattles, prunus.....all types of flora there for our use.  Wonderful rusty objects  to be used.....coils, copper pipes, old car bits...a great collection.  I am afraid I havent been able to upload most of my photos because blogger is playing up at the minute.  Pop over to Nat's blog,  she has lots of wonderful photos from the day!

 One of the best parts of the day was when we gathered to unravel our bundles....to see what surprises awaited.
My piece on the left and Nat's on the right....drying on some metal pieces out in the garden.  Glorious colours from onion skins, prunus and carrots (the dark piece on mine is from the metal it was wrapped around).  This picture makes me think I might make some prayer flags out of some of this fabric.

So much fun and a very inspirational.  We each made many, many bundles so I have a whole new stash of fabrics to use in my latest cloth.  I dyed up silk velvet, silk lining from old kimono's, silk organza,  wool flannel and felted wool (thank you Jillian) and some lovely threads....I'm all set for a while.

If you are ever in Melbourne check out if Jude is having a workshop.....Such fun!



Enjoy your week!

Jacky xox